32 reviews liked by SekiganX

Persona 3 was always on my mind in terms of wanting to play on it regardless of mutuals back then hyping about it or having deep talks with it, it always interested me in a way.

Eventually got me playing the FES version which it's not a bad in ways to most people but it always rubbed me and felt it wasnt interesting as went on and suddenly dropped in the middle of the game. I geniuely felt that i was forcing myself to play it and eventually felt it wasnt healthy in a way to get through when the famous quote '' xx hours the story gets better'', i really don't think i maintain the same the same line of thinking that i had years ago especially after finishing the remake.

Hearing a lot of rumors about Persona 3 got me a bit hopeful on thinking of the nature of playing games in a way, i never hold expectations on games except on 2 series that i always hold a bit of high regard since i've always keep my eyes on and what to expect but Persona for me is a bit different, especially when i have a lot of issues that i don't like to talk about it especially talking with most of the circles i was and i'm still in but i was always open to try a Persona game even if the perception of people were 50/50 a bit of the time. In a way, it's fun the way it was present and showed for the first time but it was exciting to look forward to play a Persona game that's really hold in high regard to people and play the remake in real time.

Still have so much to say about this game but I can't write too much since i just finished it and the thoughts in my mind are all over in my head but it's fair to say that all my issues regarding with FES were all destroyed, Reload really made me impressed with Tartarus especially getting the point of me wasting nights just to have fun in tartarus which is crazy to think about it since i never had the motivation to unwingly grind at times in FES.

Giving a try to Persona 3 again and finally understanding on what makes this game feel so special after finishing always hits in all aspects even for me with low expectations in regards of people thinking of the remake and the purpose it brings.

But i feel happy after knowing that i finally get it after waiting for so long.

It has Koromaru, therefore it's peak. I haven't played any other versions of Persona 3 so I'm glad I finally got to experience it after all these years.

Loved the story overall, especially the ending.. it was beautiful and left me very satisfied. Everything else was also on par, from the characters, to the voice acting, to the visuals, to the music, to the combat. It's consistently great throughout the entire game. It is also worth mentioning the UI because they most definitely cooked.

I had the most fun in Tartarus, grinding away, searching every corner for chests and fighting EVERY shadow I spot. I tried using all the characters and everyone felt strong which was really nice because I often tend to use the same party members in these types of games. I played 99% of the game with Direct Commands on because the one time I changed it to Act Freely, I didn't like it. Having controls over your party is just convenient, especially with the addition of Theurgy, which is basically your ultimate ability that you charge up over time and does crazy damage, heals your party or sometimes even buff them.

I will be running it back with another playthrough so I can get all of the achievements and I can't wait to go through Tartarus all over again with the SEES squad.


Straight-up, no holds barred, to the point - that's what I love about Phantom Liberty's social commentary. Like when they hit that road sign and Idris Elba sprayed piss all over the speed limit - a middle finger aimed directly at the powers that be. The apotheosis of freedom of post-neoliberal expression.

this game did the impossible for me. it PEAKS so much i loved every second of enjoying this masterpiece and was honestly dumfounded by how much Cold Steel redeemed itself and became such a phenomenal arc and jump in quality

my favorite lore in the series and so many long-awaited moments in this came this was a gift for anyone who started all the way from the sky arc and didn't skip any arc. this is comfortably my second favorite Trails game

the end of the saga

This game has a lot of issues that pile up, but when the plot hits, it hits. The intermission chapter is one of my favorite moments in the series. And then there's the gameplay itself which is just sublime. I especially love the Divine Knight battles. The sidequests and bonding events pop the hell off sometimes too. It's just hard to get over how much missed potential the plot has. So overall it's a big ol mixed bag and one of the worst trails games yet.

Starts off hot off the heels of the crazy ending of the previous game. Really enjoyed going around Erebonia reuniting with the classmates. Loved the unique setting of a country DURING a full-scale war as well. We also have a lot of mech fights, which are raw as fuck, and also an idea that the following 2 games follow

The game had a great 'finale' although they decided to follow it up with two multi-hour acts which for better and for worse served to increase the playtime. I did, however, love the actual bittersweet ending of the game as well.

I did think it was weird that they also decided to lock an important cutscene that relates to the following game behind ng+ and also not even notify the player of this since most people are only going to finish a game once. While it isn't the end of the world if you miss out on it, it does serve to provide important context to some parts of cs3.

I’m saying this right off the bat, despite the problems that Trails of Cold Steel II has, it’s still the best Cold Steel game since it doesn’t have CS Is pacing, CS IIIs ending or the bottomless list of shit wrong with CS IV.

The game's story is an amazing follow-up to the ending of CS I. It’s really cool seeing a country, especially one as well fleshed out as Erebonia, in a state of civil war like this. I definitely think Falcom should have leaned further into this, but what they have now gets the job done. Especially since Rean, Fie, Jusis, and a lot of other characters who were still getting setup in CS I have some really great moments here. Rean in particular goes from a kind of generic Stock Light Novel Hero to a really interesting deconstruction of that kind of character and it's one of the things that I really wish CS IV didn't ruin by the end of the arc. But here and in CS III you see the potential, and what they have in both games is truly something special.

The pacing is kind of sporadic and the shrines in the middle feel a lot like mandatory side quests, but overall this is a huge step up from the first game. My biggest gripe with this is how the game ends like 3 fucking times, with you still having about 5 to 10 to 15 hours of gameplay left by the time you beat the finale and think the game is over.

Despite these issues, I really like Cold Steel II. The story is really great, even excellent at points, all the characters are likable and well fleshed out, the introduction of mech fights was an awesome idea (if a little underdeveloped mechanically) and it’s one of the few modern JRPGs to give you an airship (something that I wish more modern games would bring back). It’s kind of sad how this is where the arc peaked with how much CS III and IV were supposed to tie into the rest of the series, but it and CS I are a great story when you take the two together and if Falcom just stuck with what they had here instead of veering off into the stupid Curse shit, this could have been the best arc in the series instead of the most disappointing.

I thoroughly enjoyed this installment of Trails.
Fun gameplay, slightly improved from the first Cold Steel with updated mechanics, a larger roster of characters to play as and also COOL MECHA WITH TACHI RAHHHHHHHHH!!!! The incredible world building being expanded on, it's always nice seeing them mention the events of Crossbell since it's happening simultaneously with this Erebonia duology. Cast is solid, friends and foes alike. That DAMN soundtrack though... I love the battle theme and how it perfectly captures Rean's loneliness at the start of the game as he's separated from his fellow classmates. Then there's also this brilliant track Blue Destination that I just can not forget to mention and the list goes on..

Sucks that you have to play NG+ to access a certain scene, another down moment was the post-game if you can even call it that. THE GAME KEPT GOING LMAO. Not a huge deal though because I got to see my GOAT (you know who)..

It's a good follow-up from the first game, with some really high peaks and the final chapter as well as the epilogue had me in tears. I think I'm just too deep in and invested at this point since I've already started the next game before I even finished writing this review.

the paragraph long monologues on the human condition are good, actually

The insane struggle between an incredibly good art and sound team with some of the most dogshit cutscene direction, mediocre English dubbing, snoozeworthy story, and janky game mechanics.