A solid game that doesn't quite nail the ending with 3 boss fights one after the other but generally is a very fun, more easily digestible dark souls game. It doesn't like kill you immediately when you fall and everything is just more easily understandable.

Also the story is more forward and a goofy fun time.

Would have liked the ending to be a bit more substantial, it just sort of ends with no talk about what's happening with the gunk and what not.


A kind of annoying at times strategy war game, my guys just keep running while the other side just never moves.

The scale can't be matched though, with its realistic army sizes and when its all working well its a really fun game.


A strong start that eventually gives way to instakill enemies and that the fighting system just isn't made for some enemies in mind.

Music is usually good but sometimes is incredibly basic drum thumps.


A fairly solid game that's brought down a bit by some slower "roaming around trying to find out what to do next" moments and also being a star wars game.

Enjoyed the gameplay mainly, the last boss fight is too close to dark souls in that it tries my patience with the expectation of constant perfect blocks and timing. Also the combat barely functions with more than about 3 enemies and everybody having at least one unblockable attack.

I liked the characters a lot, my main issue with the story is that the main movies are written in stone. As such I know that these characters can't actually save the galaxy because the movies have to happen and the owners of the ip are too tightfisted to let this be its own alternate timeline thing.

Also just a very flawed understanding of what those first 3 movies were doing, probably due to worry about my least favorite thing in star wars "the cinematic universe." The light and dark side are set in stone. This series still has to drag all the prequel baggage with it. There's no iffyness to it. You either are a monk or you go full crazy murder man. Can't have any questioning that being a pious monk that pushes anything worldly away is maybe not the best way to be balanced.


Ehhhhh. its ok. Interesting premise and art but I was wanting a bit more out of the game. Maybe actually getting to be a card shark playing poker sometimes instead of just learning card tricks but not really getting to see the context.

Actually having to time out your cheats during a game of poker would have been fun. I guess I was just expecting more


From what I played, the first 2 islands, it was very fun. I hit a bit of a wall with the 3rd island where i just couldn't beat any level though, even after trying for about an hour. So i'm dropping for now.


Spooky pokemon snap and also its jurassic park. I enjoyed it a lot but would like it to be longer.


In space no one can see where they're walking.

I guess its because I played this directly after resident evil 4 remake but dead space has so many problems that resident evil 4 just doesn't.

Complain all you want about yellow paint for re4 remake is way easier to read in a way dead space isn't. I found myself constantly checking the little guide line since its just incredibly difficult to follow what's going on, being so dark. That being said the looping is a cool concept and me saying "oh yeah i've been here before." was neat but not worth the confusion of not knowing where i'm going constantly.
Since I can't be bothered to remember that this body filled, very dark, industrial room is surgery and this other body filled, very dark, industrial room is gardening or whatever.

Oh the UI, or lack of UI, is cool, I like that. I also like the gun ideas, they all feel like something i'd see on a big mining ship, even if they all feel kinda bad to actually use.

The zombie aliens are cool looking, when you can actually see them i mean, its so dark on this ship.


An interesting game idea that I wanted to be much better, resale shop with bidding. The main issue is that it gets very repetitive quickly with no definite forward progress or indicator where you are in the game.

Am I halfway through? 1/4th through? How am I even doing? There's just not a ton of feedback in an form.


A fine smaller version of the sims with a specific goal. Sadly the progress slows to a crawl later on so I stopped playing


Exactly what I was waiting a very long time for, a very default fantasy RPG in the olden sense with a great story. That being said I do enjoy how weird it gets in parts.

-1 point for "the absolute" state of it on pc. Hee hee hee hee. No but really it crashed like 30 times during my playthrough. I also saved constantly just incase something messed up, my save folder is 15gb, send help. Oh also forcing you to make someone... i don't want to ruin it... at the very end, was not cool and i spent 30 minutes learning how to install mods for this specific game just to go around that choice.

When I playthrough again in a few years I'll install that same mod again and also a remove the party limit mod so i don't have to choose the 3 characters i'm going to actually play the game with while everyone else sits in the camp for 70 hours and acts like I did so much with them at the end.


A fine goofy little adventure game where you play a king taking money from everyone to throw the most luxurious party possible. 100% the game to make the rival king cry and unlock a code for the goofy epilogue.

Couldn't find that last 100G so i just cheated at the end instead of spending another hour of the 2 hour long game looking for the one hidden room i missed.

Had some solid jokes i liked, press R to [R]eform the church. Press X to E[X]ecute people.


pretty great roguelike deck builder that airs a bit on the easy side and doesn't have much else to do but go for unlocks.


Everything all bowled into one, one of if not the best stealth video games. Great balancing between serious and comedy. My only complaints are still how complicated just buying everything is and the always online part for unlocking more options for the levels.

Its like Resident Evil 4 but they cleaned up the more rough parts a bit. The main thing beyond it just looking pretty and cleaning up the general level design just a bit is the story just got a lot more effort.

Luis is way bigger of a character, the infection bit has some more consequences, just more story in general, makes the game feel a bit less lonely through its fairly long runtime for a 3rd person shooter.

Also the pacing is a bit better spread, original game was very castle heavy, they did a good job pacing out the chapters. oh also the challenges for the shop keeper.

So... 90% original RE4 by volume but the 10% really makes the game feel better all around.
