17 reviews liked by Shierke

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I started this game thinking that it'll be hard for me to get through, as I have always had a difficult time reading visual novels. Yet it almost felt like I breezed past the game, and not once did it appear to me that I was only trying to push through the game because I wanted to finish it as soon as possible.

Even with the first few hours of the game, where it seems like there’s not much that was happening and only a few things that moved the plot, I was still having a lot of fun due to the endearing cast that bounced off each other and a carefree protagonist in Haku. But as soon as the story unravels itself and where Haku went from this laid-back guy to a person with a compelling development and a heavy burden that were entrusted to him, and with how much it changed him and those around him as they tried to navigate the rocky path that was laid down for them, it’s hard to not be enamored by it.

Right now, I wish to write a more articulate review of my thoughts about the game and the characters but hopefully as I play through MoT (idk if I’ll start it right now) I will have a more detailed review about the series.

Caught Up

Canto Chapters III & IV were damn amazing and I didn’t feel like they were dragging at all. The combat is fun for me, I love the characters and the plot of the story and the music. I can’t wait for the future chapters because aside from the first and second chapters being slow and being made to be stepping stones for furthering the story and developing the setting, future chapters having quality of III & IV onward will just be super fun. Mili Masterclass as well, I love Between Two Worlds & Fly, My Wings so much.

Probably will update this each time whenever this game gets a chapter update

Ishmael, Kromer, Outis, Faust, Don, Ryoshu, Yi Sang, Sinclair, Dante Enjoyer 🫶

Deadly Struggle for a Fleeting Dream

This game is just simply amazing for what it does showing a completion of Kiryus life, this is the most yakzua game ever. This is a love letter to those who love this series so so much and especially Kiryu. References to older games, fight callbacks, side characters being shown and mentioned after a long while, plot lines being covered, themes and ideals shown.

What this game shows an other side of Kiryu, one we barely get to see which is his tender side. The bittersweet life of Kiryu, a legendary yakuza at his core after the events of so man games and after going through so many events in his life. This game is the most heart-wrenching and emotional game in the series. All the themes of family and struggling to live life through many events as you keep on living continuing on from the song of life. Just one of the best beautiful games ever in terms of everything that just hits you in the core personally. That finale is everything yakuza is and will represent, combining everything from the beginning to the end of Kiryu.

Hakanaki Yume

idk what this is but this is another excuse for me to show how much I love TTGL

A Kojima masterclass that's considered incomplete and it still manages to wrap up this series to its end perfectly in my opinion.

This game serves to explain a lot of stuff in the metal gear solid series and fill in some gaps of knowledge we did not know before and also to pad onto metal gear and metal gear 2. MGS V also helps expand more on Big Boss legacy as a character as he is one of the most influential aspiring characters in this series. This games gameplay is also the peak of the metal gear solid series, absolute peak.

"Now do you remember? Who you are? What you were meant to do? I cheated death, thanks to you. And thanks to you I’ve left my mark."

"I'm Big Boss, and you are too. This story, this Legend, its ours... Carry that with you wherever you go. Thank you my friend."

My feelings for this game in the series is indescribable and last time I said, it was very difficult for me to put my thoughts together after just finishing the game but now I can talk about it more. It still is very difficult to put all my thoughts together though.

This is such a beautiful game in every aspect of the gameplay, artistic direction and the story and the characters. This game is meant to be played with Lobotomy Corporation knowledge, so it just makes it even better together. Library Of Ruina has so many layers to it, it's so amazingly done well that there are details everywhere which contribute to the story and it helps convey the messages and themes.

We all suffer, and we all live, we go through this thing called life. We can be stripped naked for who we are as people and people see our flaws and we are scared of that, of who we truly are. We have our scars and our own flaws. It's difficult to be able to show this to people and trust him, without knowing how they will react to it and how you will feel. There's no one who can help you move forward; they can help but you have to be the one to take that first step forward and the rest will happen.

The world is a cruel place, its relentless and it can be straight up cold. There are cycles in place which we can get stuck, and no hope is there for us as we believe it and we just quit and get stuck in this restless cycle. We all suffer at some point, but we should know it's not the end all be all for us. We can fight back against it, to rise up against the situation. It won't be immediate but we as people can overcome hopeless situations and get past what the world is trying to force on us and be better than that.

Breaking this cycle of constant revenge and grief, focusing on what's really important such as compassion and empathy for others and more important, for ourselves. This game is one of the most human stories to ever exist, humans struggling to live, through this world of hardship and grief, deciding how to move forward whether we should be stuck to the past and get left behind or move forward despite this world ever turning flow. Trying to break free from this city, to follow our own dreams, where its merciless and there's no light at the end of the tunnel for us. Groveling on our knees of people with higher status than us just to survive, is this truly a way to live our lives where everyone is just constantly filed with anger, sadness and other emotions. Even so, we should have kindness, compassion, empathy for us and other people.

I love these characters and everything, it just hits me personally. I especially love Angela & Roland, they mean everything to me.

The Eye Facing the Fear; Breaking the Cycle

The Eye Embracing the Past; Building the Future

I love this game so much. One of the few games that has me like this to be able to even write this. There are just so many things more to talk about it, but this is just the tip of the iceberg for me. Maybe in the future, I'll add more to this review overtime but for right now, this is good enough for me.

That's this and this is that.

This games reception is probably one of the worst of all time and it affects a lot of people’s perception of when they do hop on this game and it takes away all their own opinions to formulate themselves and automatically prepares them to expect the bad and never any good. That being said, this game is a huge test to whether you are able to filter out the bad opinions and listen to your own opinions because honestly this is one of the greatest JRPG adventures continuing off from an already amazing game which is Xenoblade 1.

Getting this out the way as fast as possible, my only complaint was the checks on having certain field skills at certain points in the game and this is more towards the end of the game, this really hits the pacing and it feels just disconnected if you aren’t hitting those field skills correctly and I didn’t have any problems personally but I could see why people are complaining and this is because of the gacha system they implemented for blades. That’s basically my complaint and it’s not that huge, not even contributing to the overall combat and narrative.

This game is the definition if you have a lick of common sense, not for everyone but certainly for me. People who review this game as a hentai game is doing this entry in the series a big disservice. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is one of the most misunderstood games ever and it’s just unfortunately gonna stay that way. Following public opinion and sticking with it just makes you look goofy as hell, for the people who dislike this game, they can keep disliking cause it’s obvious that they are just birds Inna flock with no common sense at all.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is one of the best sequels to a series ever, this cast is one of my favorites excluding one character who contributes jack shit but yeah. I could see why people get turned away by the first four chapters cause it’s definitely slow and it has a lot to build on but what JRPG doesn’t have this same problem to let them cook. The antagonist group with Jin and Malos are really just one of my favorite pair of antagonists ever. Getting into the main cast and Rex, Mythra/Pyra, Nia are just my absolute favorites and just hit very hard especially alongside with the other cast members (again sayin excluding one). Xenoblade 2 cast is just beautifully created and how their characters feel so real on talking about how life is and their own ideals and what matters to them. Zeke also being one of my favorite cast members ever in a party group, the way he was introduced and handled throughout the game was just so good. Rex and Jin being foils to each other, mutuals characters dealing with their own inner strife such as Nia on hiding herself for most of the game until she finally is able to come out and be happy alongside Rex who was able to find his reasons to keep going which includes her, Pyra/Mythra and the party, just so much amazing things going on for the characters that’s just beautiful

The finale stretch is amazing as always for a Xenoblade game and reveals huge things especially more information about what exactly happens and also showing a bit of action in what happened before in XC1s plot that’s connected to the current plot. This story being connected with themes of healing your own wounds, getting up from despair, deciding for yourself whether you should keep going or stop on road, caring for others, carrying on for the next generation of people to take over. It definitely means something to me, something about not just adding into making sure we make our own choices for our future continuing on from xc1, but to make sure we rely on the people around us, to stick true to our own selves especially. The world will always get its way and it will fail the people, it will fail us and shit will happen and it could be tough to recover from it, but there’s always the hope and our own will to keep on going, to keep the people around you and to provide each other with comfort, and when that day comes when said person is to pass or it’s you that passes, we pass on ourselves and our important memories to provide for the future and to keep personally to ourselves to remind us. This world is not a pretty one and there’s always gonna be conflict and sadness, but there’s also the good times when we are happy, it’s as simple as Rex says it.

Thank You Xenoblade 2

Being a terrible person is actually one of the most funny shit ever

My first playthrough that took over 200 hours over a span of 16 months because of how much it took for me to get used to this game personally, so it was a very long journey for me but in the end for the second half, it nailed everything I wanted. The only thing I want to get out of the way is that the first half is very tough especially with this combat system I love and hate so I'll get that out of the way and how the traversal feels very stiff like Dark Souls 1 stiff. Nearing the second half of the game though, I'll say the combat gets better with having a lot of flexibility with party members and the pacing is way better. Getting most of my complaints out of the way, let's talk about the good stuff already.

I've seen some other reviews talking about how this is the worst revenge story of all time, and it seems they either didn't finish it or simply media illiterate when that wasn't the whole point of the story at all. One of the best immersive JRPGs ever and you could just feel yourself getting sucked in the world and feel the whole world around you. Not going into spoilers too much but the whole plot setting on where it takes place which is two titans and this is important to the story and contributes to the world and the second half where it really takes off is one of the most awesome shits ever and I'm glad I finished this shit to experience it, just raw as hell. Shulk is one of my favorite characters especially with the way they handled his character overall in this game was just really good and I ended up really loving him with the rest of the cast that is super lovable and comfortable. This game absolutely isn't perfect but not a lot of games can be, but this is definitely for me and too bad for people who dislike this.

I was reluctant at first in the first half and nearing second half where they were going with Shulks character and the story main message but I'm glad the way it went and did what I really love. Seizing our own future, decide for ourselves on what we want to do and not let someone else control our destiny's walking along with other people towards a new tomorrow. That title screen after you finish this game with the main menu music playing is a special moment.

"Today, we use our power to fell a God. And then, Seize our destiny."