"mmm yesss, you may play as your favorite characters in a similar vein to the Adventure series once again..."

[a finger on the monkey paw curls...]

"...but THIS time, they'll all play like hot garbage! and have limited playability! in a poorly-designed DLC that doesn't really expand on anything! and we'll hype it up for an entire year before release! ooOOOhoohoohooHOO~!" - Sega witches, probably

sonic's transition to 3D wasn't rough at all it was goddamn perfect and that's only 90% my nostalgia talking I swear.

only reason it's not a 5/5?
fishing minigame.

carried almost entirely by the novelty and maybe 2 songs
>nonsensical charting
>disappointing remixes
>awkward choreography for the songs that even HAVE choreography, since almost half the songs in the base game are music videos, live recorded footage, or the ending credits screen(???)
>truckload of day 1 DLC, plenty of which could/should have been in the base game, but atlus gonna atlus

only maybe worthwhile if you're desperate for more P5, and somehow managed to miss all the other spinoffs and crossovers, all of which have a ton more effort and love put into them. otherwise, it's a glorified cash grab that somehow manages to have less content and less polish than its predecessor released on the Vita 3 years prior.