Great Visual style and cute story reminds me of some Tim Burton movies.
Overall really linear with some exploration here and there.

The biggest strength is the story and the funny dialogs. The battle system is its biggest weakness i would say.. it is creative on the one hand but not deep enough and way to repetetiv on the other hand. Way to many and long fights. If you are here for a cute little Story, i would recommend, but if you expect fun gameplay i would wait for a sale or pass

Blue Fire is a dark-cute litte plattformer that stays a bit behind its potential. It does everything "okay". The plattforming is its strengh but it needs more work. It feels a bit off sometimes and not responsive as it should. Some of the plattformer-levels (called "Voids") were really frustrating because of that.

The Combat has no impact at all and its really not fun at all. The bosses are really boring and uncreative.
There are no puzzles in the Zelda-ish dungeons other than collecting keys to open doors.

I Think the Devs behind this game are just unexperienced but if they improve the flaws, they could make a really good 3D plattformer. They should focus on exploring and collecting and fun boss fights instead of putting annoying enemys all over the world.
OR they can think of a way to improve the combat and give it more impact to make it actually fun to fight stuff.