I had high hopes going into Labyrinth of Refrain and for the most part It did not disappoint, there was a moment while playing this where I thought Refrain could genuinely surpass Mary Skelter and become the best DRPG I've ever played, unfortunately all of that went out the window when I got to the postgame, It was already on it's way out leading up to the end of the maingame, the common battles had devolved into mindless auto attacking, press Y and fast forward, and even then they still take forever. the gameplay really peaks during the bossfights which are a ton of fun and ask a lot of you which makes it feel awesome when you win! But personally I don't feel like there's enough of them and getting from one boss to the next can also take a while. However the game really challenged me when I got to the postgame, everything positive I felt about the game just disappeared and I honestly wanted to drop it, nothing could have prepared me for the amount of grinding I had to do to get through it, and even when I did, it didn't feel worth it. For what it's worth the maingame is fine and the story and it's characters are incredibly engaging and had me at the edge of my seat for most of it, so if you don't care about 100% I would highly recommend Labyrinth of Refrain, otherwise... Maybe think about it and do your research, this game will test you. 6/10

I can't believe I spent 275 hours total on a niche DRPG trilogy, what a world.

Very fresh game, want to play more like it, wish it had NG+ so 100%'ing was easier.

The removal of mission ranks is very nice but dislike how they handled dragon vein shards and other collectibles, you end up backtracking a lot and fighting the same fights over and over, overall is an improvement from the first game though, the graphics especially got a big tune-up. So if you liked the first game you'll like this one too, if not more.

I came into this game straight off the back of Crymachina, I expected it to be pretty chill and something I could turn my brain off to, I didn't really get any of that, I spent most of my time looking up where to find materials and walking through the same dungeon layouts repeatedly, it was really boring, even more tragic is that the characters, the games best selling point completely failed to grab me and so I was left uninterested in them which I think hindered my enjoyment of the game a lot, ultimately I got the experience that I did and nothing can really change that, so. Sorry to disappoint.

Fun DRPG with a fun cast, cool mechanics and a great soundtrack that gets bogged down by the high encounter rate, excessive fanservice and below average story, the job system is very cool but poorly executed, needs polish, also the moment to moment gameplay isn't great, try to make a team that can autobattle through everything to save time and sanity!

So I played Bandle Tale, the league of legends cozy game, you know as a long time league fan I really had high hopes for this game especially cause I'm a huge yordle fanatic, and that's why it really breaks my heart to say this game undelivers big time, it starts out well enough but by the mid to late game it gets really tedious, you're always short on resources, going back and fourth between places all the time, moving your workstations around and waiting for arbitrary timers to finish, all the while not having much fun at all, making progress was not relaxing, nor did it make me feel cool or accomplished, it just made me relieved I was one step closer to being done with it all, maybe someone out there can find the fun in Bandle Tale, for me it was too elusive.

This is my first Persona game and my first Strategy-RPG and I don't know a lot about either! But I had fun with it, maybe you will too? Next time I'll be playing Persona, I'll be playing Persona 5 Strikers, so stay tuned!

forgot to review this initially so I'm doing it now, don't have much to say about it and it doesn't help that it's been quite some time since i played it, but while I'm only going to give it 2 stars I did enjoy eternights for what it was, even if what it is isn't that great, it's a persona inspired 3rd persona hack and slash from an indie studio with a ton of potential and it plays just like you'd expect, combat is fine, environments are lacking but do a good job and the soundtrack is average, for a debut title it's pretty good and far from the worst, the characters suck though, despite having some seriously talented voice actors on board not a single character interested me and the bootleg social links didn't do much to help with that, they got kind of annoying actually. The game is also really short, it took me just 17 hours to get the 100% I imagine you could easily beat the game in under 10. So yeah that's Eternights, neat but doesn't stand out.

Anno is a very funny japanese word. What oh you mean the game? Sorry, Right then! Anno: Mutationem is a 2D Cyberpunk Hack and Slash with a ton of charm, soul and shortcomings.

To start off with the good stuff, the games art-style is incredibly unique, the mix of 2D and 3D elements combined with the great environment design creates a very beautiful and interesting world that I had great fun exploring, the character sprites are very emotive and animate a lot even during casual conversation, weapon animations are fast and fluid and beating foes feels great, there's also a ton of weapons to choose from, like simple swords, great-swords, guns, particle cannons and rocket launchers.

The Combat loop is pretty simple, you can get by just fine by mashing square, personally i don't mind this but if you do then that sucks obviously, something I did mind was the games difficulty, it doesn't ramp up enough until very late, now there is a hard mode but you have to beat the game first to unlock it which I think is stupid and only serves to take enjoyment away from certain players, seriously why.

The games soundtrack is alright, not of all the tracks stand out on their own but they each fit the scene they accompany, I often found myself listening to the main menu theme for a bit before starting, definitely my favorite.

The story and the characters start off pretty harmless, in fact it starts off pretty interesting and then just completely goes off the rails by the end, it doesn't help that most of the endgame cutscenes just don't have voice acting, which leads to a lot of characters just standing around doing nothing and emoting at each other, not cool.

Also on the topic of not cool... While the game runs just fine for most people during my playthrough I encountered a ton of minor bugs that really killed my immersion, now some of them were pretty funny like my characters orientation getting completely messed up which led to Ann looking like she'd been featured on the hydraulic press channel. But ultimately they did kill my immersion which sucks because the vibe this game has going for it when everything works is insane.

I think that's it, I can't think of anything else to add anyways so let's call it here, in short Anno is a great game with an even greater vibe that has a lot of potential but ends up falling short when it really matters most, I would still heavily recommend this to anyone looking for a fun sci-fi fix over the weekend. Thanks for reading!

24/10/23 - A flawed masterpiece was released to the world, and the world was better off because of it, this diamond might have some bumps and rough edges but it shines just as bright all the same, never have I played a game that made me cry every time I played it, and never have I loved a group of characters more than I love these, Crymachina is something very special.

This is the best game ever made and I love it.