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While I still like the first dlc a bit more, this was absolutely not a disappointment

It follows the trend of TAG1 with memorable and great areas that have enjoyable platforming, samey but still excellent arenas and stellar asthetics.
The platforming is made 2 times better with the addition of the meathook grapple points but they are terribly underutilized in combat(a pattern with this dlc)

It's easier than TAG1 but still pretty difficult(on UV at least). The escalation encounters being an example of this. I loved them. The hammer, while a bit overpowered, is incredibly fun to use and a good replacement of the crucible. I wished you needed more than 2 glory kills to be able to use it tho. At least like 4 or 5.

Like in TAG1 the music is good and fitting but not that note worthy outside of the final boss
The story was dumb but in a good way. Can't express just how, for lack of a better word, epic the end cutscene for the world spear or the first cutscene in Immora were. The lore was interesting and the ending was satisfying but the plot twist at the end is pretty stupid and bad

The new enemies are generally good, even if they are reskins, but are mostly underutilized. The screechers are great and add a layer to the encouters he's in but he should have appeared in every major fight instead of a couple few.
Armored barons are my favorite enemy in the dlc. I love that you can either instantly break off their armor or microwave beam it. Plus it feels like one of the new enemies that was used the most.
Stone imps are good, it's pretty satisfying to kill them with the full auto mod but they should have replaced most regular imps in the dlc
I also really liked the curse prawler but I obviously wished he was used more and that you didn't had to use a blood punch to kill it since if it happens to curse you while you don't have it, you're just dead
Riot shield soldiers and demonic troopers are pretty forgettable. They're fine but not that interesting as the rest.

Now here's a very hot take: Dark Lord is the best boss across all of modern doom. He was incredibly tough but I really loved to learn his moveset even if it's a bit rng based. I also really liked that the enemies he spawns die quickly so the fight doesn't become a clusterfuck and the fact that you need to use the hammer to stun him is just simply fun. But I wished he didn't heal nearly as much. Nothing is more annoying than almost being done with one of his hp bars, only to do a mistake and he healing half of his bar, making all of your progress obsolete. A big fuck you moment to what is a great boss and ending to this dlc, far better than Samur, I'll be honest.

Overall, a fantastic dlc that is bogged down by underutilized mechanics. I don't think I have to say it but buy it, it's more doom at the end of the day, which is always welcomed