This game was meticulously designed to be as annoying and a frustrating as it can get. Everything about this game works so well together to form an utterly asinine experience(except you handsome jack, i love you)

The quintessential survival horror game. A beautifully horrific mix of excellent survival gameplay with gut-wrenching writting, neatly tied with some of the most morbidly delightful artstyle I've ever seen, AND a atmospheric soundtrack to make you piss yourself if the rest wasn't enough already.

Honestly, I can't help my fromsoftware fanboy-ass rotted mind and I I must compare this game to another classic, Bloodborne. Both games invoke very similar feelings, of constant stress, tension, disgust and of course, the lovely existential dread. Also both start of with you killing dogs, then more mutated dogs.
But at least Bloodborne was kind enough to have a place particularily designed to rest and calm yourself down :). No such privilage in Poland, sorry

There is no escape from this accursed forest, no easy button to press to make everything seem ok. You either choose to live in BLISS, in an endless slumber, or choose to fucking BURN THEM ALL. BURN THE FOREST, BURN THOSE FUCKING CHOMPERS, BURN EVERY SINGLE PLAGUE INFESTED BASTARD THERE IS, which also sadly includes that poor musician(may god rest his soul, if there even is one, or just another 'BEING")

This game made me realize that I really, really do not like 2010-ish cover shooter gameplay, no matter if it's uncharted, spec opps or this game. Luckily most of these kinds of games somewhat make up for that with alright narratives but this game does this to its full extent, by creating(with help from its superior sequel) one of the strongest portrayals of the wild west from any piece of fiction


This is one of the very few games where you can have a structurally forgettable quest about some random widow that is irrelevant to the main plot and make it one of the best moments in the whole game

I can't say I'm disappointed but I also can't say that I had an unforgettable time. It's good, worth playing if you are a god of war fan(like me). The new story parts are what kept me playing and why I still recommend to every fan to play this until completion. I love that the REAL Tyr has a big role in this, opposed to being forgotten in the epilogue of the main game. But the gameplay just doesn't really work as a roguelike since all playthroughs are the same. As much as I adore GoW Ragnarok's combat, doing too much of it all the time, with next to no major change just gets insanely repetitive and mind-numbingly boring. Same bosses, same enemies, same areas, same everything. The Tyr fights are very well done though, a good touch.

ALSO, to give credit where credit is due, I love santa monica for making this fucking free. They could have easily charged 10-15 bucks for this but instead gave it out as a free update👏👏

Take a shot everytime you see a bait review of this game. Death is simply inevitable

I could write an essay on why this game hits so strong but I feel like this quote does it justice way better than anything I could say
“Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.”


If I had a dollar for every person who misunderstood or misinterpreted this game on this site and twitter I'd be a millionaire

After P-ranking the game I came to the conclusion that there is no point in even trying the game if you don't want to do it. It's BY FAR the best part of the game, yes you heard me right, trying to 100% it isn't a ultra-difficult and unfun chore. But the reason it works so well is more complex than "combat good":

Firstly, the stages are very short so speedrunning them isn't too unforgiving. And bc they are so short they are easy to learn.
And secondly, the structure of your playthroughs also comes in hand to make it feel natural. It has a 3-part structure from my experience:

1. Your first playthough is simply playing the game and having fun with what you're given, no pressure whatsoever. If you're in any way like me, at this point you are totally dogshit at the game and you don't see yourself even trying the p-ranks
2. The second is getting all the orbs and doing the challenges, utterly the most tedious one but it makes you learn the stages like the back of your palm. This is the point where you start to get the hang of the combat and level design
3. And the third and final playthough are the not-so-dreadful p-ranks

When all the chapters are out I can definetely see myself giving this game a 5-star rating. As is, a 4,5 feels more appropriate bc it isn't finished and since, spicy take warning, I still slightly prefer doom eternal. Both goats of the fps genre of course, so no point in comparing

This review contains spoilers

God of War Ragnarok is as good as a sony game can get and as much of a spicy take as I think it is, it's my favorite god of war game.

The combat is a complete improvement over 2018 in every way. 2018's combat is simply a blueprint compared to this. I love how much you can do with each weapon and the system of rewarding the player with a bonus ability for using a move enough times is fucking genius. The shields were given so much more depth and choosing which ones to use feels important but, there aren't enough shields in the game. Outside of the default one and the other 2 you get at the start you only acquire 2, JUST 2 shields. It simply isn't enough. The camera, while annoying to adjust to and way too zoomed in, it wasn't that hard to get used to so there isn't much hatred I muster for it

The enemy and boss variety saw a massive improvement over the last game. Tons of new enemy and boss types, that while they do get reused, it's not as egregious as in the last game. And there are plenty of unique boosses. From which the quality is very high: most berserkers and king hrolf, gna, both fights with thor, odin, heimdall, hrist and mist, garm, nidhogg. All range from great to exquisite in providing a satisfying fight. There are also a lot of boring, repetitive slogs like the drakes, but luckily they are much rarer.

I was shocked by how memorable the side-content is. The deserts in Alfheim with the Hafgufas.The crater region in Vanaheim where you rescue Birgir and slay dragons. Attemping to free the whale in Svaltarheim and seeing that it will never be truly free. Finding the real Tyr, attending Brok's funeral, finding Gna and King Hrolf. Good shit that is well worth your time to complete. I also adore how each artefact has its own lore entry and how the ravens actually give you a reward for killing them all. Makes them all the more enjoyable to find.

The story doesn't have the strongest of plots, relying on contrivances and dumb decisions but the characters make up a bit for that. People say it's an mcu game, and I would agree, but not in the way you think. It's not just an mcu game, it's THE BEST mcu game. I would compare it to infinity war of all movies. A strong cast of characters and jaw-dropping spectacle. As for the characteres themselves I found myself charmed. I loved Kratos's arc throughout these 2 games having a satisfying pay-off. I was a big fan of how Atreus grew as a person and became more wise. Sindri is downright heartwrenching by the last hours due to a specific character(the funniest in the game btw) dying.Heimdall si an endlessly entertaining prick. And oh, the plot twist was unexpected and in hindsight it does make sense. But my favorite character is still Thor. He and Kratos are two sides of the same coin basically. Both have an awful, blood-ridden past but while one chose to become the best version of himself, the other chooses to drown himself in alcohol and stay in his own misery. And when he FINALLY decides to stand up for himself, Odin kills him like he was just an animal with no care or remorse whatsoever. It's bitter but all the more impactful for that.

But I fucking despise the criticisms for this game. Find me a negative opinion that doesn't use the words: soy, walking, movie, mcu, woke. See the problem? It's the same shallow perspective and honestly, I'm sick of it. That doesn't mean the game is free of all criticisms but some are just god awful and irritating to the point of phisical disgust

FYI still the best og GoW game, the best combat with the best weapon variety and upgrade system. The most well-designed bosses, the best scope and pure spectacle and the most entertaining characters across the entire franchise.

If I feel a bit more cynical I would criticize the story for lacking any and all subtetly and for being dumb as a rock generally speaking but fuck it, Hermes singing to Kratos about his family being dead is the most hysterical shit I've ever seen. This game is all balls-to-the-walls style, low subtance but subtance is overrated anyways.

This is the dark souls 2 of the god of war franchise, I refuse to elaborate

If I'm gonna hear someone say one more time that it's just "more of the same" I'm gonna detonate myself and everyone in a 5km radius. I fucking despise this very new trend of calling sequels that don't look massively different "the same". GoW already had an enormous amount of innovation with 2018, it doesn't need more for a while. Also GoW 2 and any OG GoW game to follow, excluding 3, play nearly identically to 1 but nobody bats an eye, it's only bad apparently when new games do it

Anyways, gonna link the full review here(if I ever make one) after I play the game for a while: