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Shugga completed Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
If you like/love hollow knight this is the one for you, forget clownsong.

Not much negative to say about this, the voice acting was pretty uneven especially sargon's which was pretty weak. Story also seemed to have unresolved threads? But idk, maybe teasers or secret stuff. Where was the lost crown in all this?

2 days ago

Shugga completed Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft
Remaster version like the other 2

Definitely the weakest entry of the 3, it has some good highs, some good puzzles, a good balance of combat, but the lows are pretty low, especially some vehicle sections. The level design can be extremely cheap and gotcha, with some puzzles being way too cryptic and some secrets probably impossible to find without a guide.

Still decent, and it wouldn't take too much to make it way better. I liked the "pick your adventure" aspect, and it kept the locations fresh.
A bit weird that the remaster didn't fix a soft lock I encountered in the infamous aldwych level, forcing me to restart the level after an hour of exploration.

7 days ago

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