The first movie tie in game I recognised as shit

bum crack in time

A friend lent this to me, I forgot I had it for years, gave it back to him, and now he lost it. Cool and good.

I will only intend on getting this because I want to eventually beat every R&C, don't own currently.

Fantastic game especially with friends.

Only dissapointing that you can't jump else this would be a five.

Completed multiple times over the years, only dissapointing thing other than lack of jump is that after you beat the game, you always WANT to go and make some epic world but the fact you've maxed out the RPG elements kind of makes you lose interest and you just stop and start over.

I still have the wheels but not the game, why? Who knows.

RIP Funky Kong.

Don't listen to Daelin, this game fucks. Soundtrack is BANGIN', time trials gucci AF, henchman tho??????


not a higher score because it is kind of bloatware tier amounts of content. definitely a spin off for sure.

Somehow takes Leagues trash infuriating gameplay and adds on even more frustrating mechanics to make you cry. Not worth.

I can scarcely believe this is happening, this whole operation is gonna fall apart, i'm gonna fall in the water.

Fantastic game especially as a kid. Loved making my own levels. Campaign was decent too.

Not sure if I ever actually owned it but definitely have played. First game is superior.

My friends keep wanting me to play it but I don't get the hype.

I spend most of the time tabbed out between turns.

Fairly certain I beat it as a really young kid but don't remember it well.

In my early adolescence I revisited this on the Mega Collection for PS2 but just stopped playing it. Not really amazing or worth finishing.