After playing HD, there are some things that I noticed that I liked more in this game, like how spike pits seem a lot harder to deal with or the existence of the level editor.
However, the HD version still feels a lot more polished - but this is still not bad for a free game

This game is weird for me because it feels so close to feeling like a satisfying exploration game but it mostly just feels kinda boring

The specific blend of twitch platforming and split-second decision making makes this a roguelike that just always feels engaging. It's just challenging enough where it's hard to get bored after a hundred hours. But it's also fair enough where death only sometimes feels frustrating, while being fun to watch at times when you die.

Every single change from the past games to this was just simply a good one with the giant rings, music for each zone, little cutscenes, making it very hard to rank against other sonic games as my favourite.

this game is really not that good but it was fun back in 2011

Shovel knight was good but Spectre Knight and King Knight are just a cut above. Plague Knight is also really fun but I feel the others just have so much more added to their experience with stuff like rail grinding or more unique bosses.

I thought I was smart but then the game got too smart for me

This has probably one of the most appealing styles of any game I've played and the Napolean level is probably one of my favourites in any game just cos of the concept. While I did get stuck a few times and searched up what to do, this was a really fun experience that only goes on sale for like a dollar on steam (which is insane).

This game was fun I loved unlocking all the characters as a kid but then my disk broke :(

There's a decent amount of content and it's not bad but the online is so bad it's kinda funny

Some characters are fun but mostly I'm just thinking about how slow I'm going like I'm just not really moving

My favourite fish farm game i have 1mil shells please take it away from me

My friends keep dragging me into coop obbys and it is the most gruelling gaming experience

This games weird cos you play it once and its very mediocre but it gets so much better the more you play it honestly