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SilasP finished Limbo
Adding Limbo to my list of incredible games that need minimal to no dialogue. Just lets the environment, music, and gameplay speak for itself. Wonderful quick game and definitely will be back to play INSIDE

2 days ago

SilasP completed Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Played on OpenGOAL

Wasn't sure what to expect but I had a blast with this. OpenGOAL is truly a testament to modern day modders since they were able to reverse engineer the game engine and make it playable in up to 4k and 144hz! Playing these older games with no loading screen is a MASSIVE step up.

All in all the J&D world is lively, full of character, with good (perhaps not so memorable) music, fun repeatable mechanics, and very solid level design.

Definitely looking forward to playing the sequels

2 days ago

SilasP finished Ico
After playing Last Guardian, I was told I should go back and play Shadow of the Colossus. While researching it, I found lots of people talking about how Ico was made by the same team as both those games and serves as the original of this genre.

I guess I just love this genre! It's been a meme for decades now about escort missions being the bane of video games, but Ico sets a standard far above any on how you do it right, and make it the entire game.

There's not much I can say about the game without giving too much away but the vibes are absolutely immaculate, the game is fairly short and sweet, the puzzles aren't too difficult, and the sound design is truly something else

10 days ago

SilasP completed Batman: Arkham Asylum
Played as part of the Return to Arkham collection

I'm a stealth game hater, I find stealth incredibly boring and frustrating. Luckily for me, Batman Arkham Asylum didn't have too much stealth, just enough that it definitely left me mad a couple times. However the rest of the combat is very fun and visually satisying, if not quite easy.

Without spoilers, the context of the game itself is fun, especially as it puts you in the perfect position to see a ton of your favourite Batman villains, and fight half of them at that.

I think one of my main qualms of the game is that you need to use detective mode pretty much all the time, which hurts the game visually. I found myself switching out of detective mode at times just to remember how the game is meant to look.

I had a good time overall, but can't help but hope that the sequels are a bit better. A must play for Batman fans

14 days ago

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