One of my favorite games of all time and a rogue like like none other. It is pretty hard to explain just how insane this game can get without seeing it for yourself so I'll just leave it at this - this game has infinite hours of content to unlock, explore and master. Tons of bosses, item combinations, routes, endings, characters, unlockables; the list goes on and on. Extremely difficult especially when trying to unlock certain characters or items. I have not played Repentance but Afterbirth+ is a very solid expansion to an already great game. If you're a fan of rogue likes, classic Zelda style dungeon crawling or a combination of the two definitely check this game out.

Fun game. Lots of content to explore when you account for the DLCs and unlockables. Very high skill ceiling that will for sure annihilate your confidence in seconds. Story mode is alright - not particularly fantastic but still fun with a soundtrack that works for the setting (although I can promise you I would never listen to the OST outside of playing the game). Splatoon 3 makes this game seem pretty bare bones on the multiplayer side of things but the DLCs are fantastic.

For some reason I thought it was a smart idea to get this on the Switch and while it wasn't entirely bad I definitely didn't get to experience the game the best way. However, the game is very enjoyable. Really cool world building, character design and story. The game has many similar design philosophies brought over from other modern Id software titles as far as enemy placement and collectibles are concerned. Lots of weapons to experiment with and even more Nazi soldiers to tear through with them. Some levels are strikingly bad and feel like a chore to complete but overall the game is a treat due to the satirical story. Not a very replayable game but one you will definitely enjoy on the first run through.

This game is really not great. Comparing it to other Mario party entries is sad to do. A severe lack of mini games, content and boards to play through. It is a Mario Party game and you will almost certainly have fun playing it with friends but it falls short in pretty much every category. As with the Mario Party games on the DS and Wii, it tries very hard to integrate the various features of the Joy-Con controllers but fails almost every time to be impressive or memorable in any way at all. Definitely a disappointment when compared to the rest of the series but the game is still fun which is why I am giving it a 2.5.

Not really much to say about this game other than its fun. Bored? Looking for something to play on a Saturday night? Go ahead and give this game a shot with some friends. The game is goofy as hell and will get some good laughs for the first couple of hours but it gets stale very fast. Not much content in this game at all.

Again, it may just be because I hate survival games but this game is really not fun. Playing solo is unredeemable and stale as hell and playing multiplayer gives you the classic survival game experience of finding loot and getting obliterated by someone who plays as a full time job. Obviously, this is one of those "Roblox developer decides to make their own game" situations and I do think it is really cool in that regard but that comes with the fact that this game does indeed have the novelty and dryness that comes with games on Roblox.

I was honestly surprised at how enjoyable this game was. I'm not typically very fond of strategy-tactics games like this but my hand was forced to buy it due to the lack of first party titles on the Switch at the time. An unlikely crossover and an even more unlikely gameplay experience. The levels are designed shockingly well and the mechanics are intuitive and easy to grasp but hard to master. Just a very bizarre but surprisingly fun game.

A pleasant surprise since everyone thought Nintendo had forgotten about Metroid 2. This game basically made Metroid 2 more accessible and fluid to play by modern game standards. New content, mechanics (like the melee counter which is really fun to use but reduces many enemy encounters to quick dispersions) and some quality of life features added in to make the game all the more enjoyable. Regardless, it is still a game designed originally on the GameBoy, so many of the design choices aren't particularly great. However, this game isn't necessarily at fault for that since it is a faithful reimagining/remake.

I actually really enjoyed this game and would still probably have a blast playing it now. The concept is really charming - a Nintendo "theme park" with multiple attractions (mini games) based off of various Nintendo franchises. The Metroid and Zelda games had no business being as fun as they were and made for super fun co-op experiences. The competitive modes were also really fun and had hilarious little niche uses of the gamepad that improved the experience more enjoyable without necessarily forcing the hardware features down your throat (such as the camera on the Mario hunt mode, or in the Luigi's mansion game with the ability to navigate the mansion as a ghost on the gamepad and have the hunters not able to see you on the TV). One of the few Wii U games that I can actually say I'd probably go back to.

Not really great. Takes what games like Diablo do and makes it considerably worse and less interesting. The only saving grace for this game is that it is a Minecraft game. There are no character classes or really any form of "Role" playing and very 2 dimensional combat that has pretty much no variation. Extremely repetitive after the first few hours. If this wasn't a Minecraft game the reception would be considerably worse.

A solid remake of the original Kirby's adventure with a little extra fluff added in (the Meta Knight mode specifically). Takes the level design and fun gameplay mechanics of the original and ports it to a much more stable game console that feels infinitely more fluid to play. This game makes playing the original game trivial, and, if you can, should play this over it at all costs.

I didn't really see this coming from Nintendo at all but it was a welcome surprise. The captain toad levels from 3D world were fun, and this game decided to take the little mini game and turn it into a full title. The level design is honestly really good and has many puzzles and collectibles to search/figure out. Boss fights are really enjoyable as well and the game has a lot of charm. Really cool to see such a generic Mario character get his own game along with some extra characterization we had never seen before.

A really fun DLC/spinoff for Half Life. This game puts you in the shoes of an HECU marine, who you are normally used to seeing inside your crosshair as Gordon Freeman in the base game. Surprisingly long and filled with tons of new weapons, enemies and bosses. Levels are well designed as always. If you have played Half Life 1 before, definitely give this a shot.