Cute and relaxing puzzle game with great graphics, sometimes a bit confusing.
Very short.

One of the best games I've played in the last few years. Excellent writing and atmosphere.

All the characters are well written and fit in well with the very detailed historical setting thanks in part to the choice of using different fonts for different cultural levels/backgrounds.
Intriguing mysteries, lots of choices to make and lots of related consequences even for what might seem like a minor thing at the moment.
Great art design which contributes to the immersion as well making the game look like a medieval manuscript.

Very well crafted and very well put together.

Pretty good detective game. The story, general atmosphere and voice acting are solid but it's a bit too easy and railroaded.
The mindmap feature felt unsatisfactory due to its linearity.
Overall it's still pretty enjoyable and it doesn't overstay its welcome.

I've enjoyed this more than the first one, I feel like it's a good improvement on what I thought were the weaker parts (stealth, pacing).
The winter setting is great and even if it's shorter than its predecessor it still has a lot of content if you want to 100% it. The villains and secondary characters are kind of a weak point but I guess that's more on the source material than on the game itself.
Overall very fun with some of the best graphics around.