I haven't played the campaign for this one yet but ive heard it's good. I think the zombies was really great, doesn't have a lot of maps but the replayability was really great. What made it a lot better was that there's a whole upgrade system outside of matches, and that you could extract to end the game instead of just dying, so it would actually feel like you "won" for a change. The multiplayer, on the other hand, is so unbalanced it's insane. Most players in public lobbies had to run SMGs just to have a chance. Most of the original maps just straight up suck too. A bad multiplayer but had a good zombies mode for this title.

It had an okay but mostly forgettable campaign, mainly due to lacking a definitive ending or single storyline. Branching paths can work in narratives but the only thing you were ever able to pick is if someone lives or dies. Whatever ending you got held almost 0 meaning because the next installment had absolutely nothing to do with this narrative, so your choices had 0 weight beyond personal attachment to a certain character. The multiplayer was pretty good, didn't really do anything unique. The zombies mode was okay, its worth noting that it had some of the absolute best maps to offer, but some of the actual worst ones they've ever created. Overall, a good game but imo it was given a lot of free passes on its downsides for no reason.

This title was hardcore carried by the zombies mode, since it was, and still is, the best zombies mode yet. The campaign was so embarassing that they didn't even bother to make a campaign for the next Black Ops game, it had almost nothing to do with the previous Black Ops stories. The narrative was also just next to nonexistent, and the levels were really open ended and stale. The multiplayer was okay but most of the flow of the game was ruined by the exo movement and overpowered DLC weapons that were so hard to obtain since there was no guarantee that you would pull them out of a lootbox (which were rarely handed out for free). 2/3rds of this game sucked but the 1 that didn't was so amazing that this game is remembered very well.

The definitive way to play CoD4. This was amazing when it came out, the only thing that is really negative about it is that 1. It was bundled with Infinite Warfare and was the only way you could get this game for the longest time, by paying like 80$ for both.
2. The seasonal/dlc weapons were atrocious and non-consumer friendly. you had to grind for weeks or just buy lootboxes to have a slim chance of getting anything.

Overall, still a good game but it was hurt by those 2 factors imo.

Dark and Gritty Campaign, the cast was very attachable and shined light on moments in WW2 that aren't as widely talked about in media portrayals. This campaign did not hold back the brutality, and those moments were very memorable. Also was amazing in making the whole campaign playable cooperatively. The multiplayer was okay, more or less COD4 reskinned. This game introduced zombies, and that was absolutely terrifying. Overall, a memorable CoD experience.

A very overlooked CoD game imo. I have a decent amount to say about this one, it has a lot of recognition for me due to the amount of unique things they tried with this title.

The campaign is a great cinematic experience. The cast wasn't super compelling but the visuals and setpieces of this title were absolutely outstanding. One of the centerpiece mechanics of this campaign was the manual healing and the squad commands, where you needed to call to your squad for supplies. It was a neat mechanic that put a little more strategy into this campaign that went beyond shooting and the occasional explosive. They also had missions focused in a vehicle, one of the first CoD campaigns to do so. Overall, a good campaign.

Where this game really shined was its multiplayer, however. This was probably the most unique multiplayer experience in CoD history. First, starting off with a hub world where you could interact with other players, test out guns in a firing range, 1v1 people, play board games, and many other neat little things. During a time where lootboxes were a hot topic, this game had the most consumer-friendly system possible. Using scrap, (in-game free currency) you could accept bounties that would just give you an outfit item or one of the seasonal weapons. This made it possible for the lootbox weapons to be obtained outside of lootboxing. If you had enough scrap, you could also just buy the guns out of a catalog. You could obtain scrap, cosmetics, and weapon variants through free daily or weekly missions that rotated constantly. This was one of the best parts of this title, that it was so consumer friendly. Another great addition was the new class system. There were multiple classes you had to select from, like the Airborne Division, or Infantry Division. Initially, it was unbalanced, but it was reworked a little after launch and the system was nearly perfect. Each division had perks that you helped with specific gun builds greatly. It was a unique system that offered a great change of pace for this multiplayer inclusion. Another thing I must mention is the War mode, one of the best gamemodes they've ever made so far. The War mode played like a mini conquest mode, where one side would attack and one would defend. It was objective-based and if the attacking side won one round, they would push the front back and there would be a new objective to fight for. The locations for the War mode were iconic WW2 locations, like Normandy, or the Ardennes. It was a well thought out mode and overall just a ton of fun for what it was worth. There were also some awesome unique modes throughout the game's life like Hordepoint or Prop Hunt.

The last thing I'd like to talk about is the Zombies mode on this one, it was okay. It was more "horror oriented", so the maps were darker and it had a lot of gimmicky jumpscares or scary noises. The first map was really good but the others were okay at best. I think it was a unique take on the mode, since there was stuff like boss fights and a progressive map. I enjoyed it mainly since you would get supply drops after your game and they usually contained some good stuff for multiplayer. That about wraps up my review of this one.

The best CoD campaign for sure. The setpieces in this campaign alone give it the top spot, so many unique and just awesome locations during this whole story. They went batshit crazy with this campaign and It never gets dull to me on replay. So many iconic moments and characters here to love. Multiplayer on this title was massive and the community for this was huge. Spec Ops was also a great side addition to this one if you wanted more experiences like the campaign delivered. Its hard to say that this one isn't the definitive best CoD game.

One of the CoD games with an actually compelling narrative. The characters in this one are great and actually hold some meaning for once. There's also some cool twists in the story that you don't quite expect. Multiplayer in this title was also a blast. So many iconic maps came from this title and most of them played great, thanks to the primary 3 lane design that Treyarch was so obsessed with. The zombies mode in this game was also really well done. Many of the maps had easter eggs for the first time, and all around played very well. Even has a DLC for all the World at War zombies maps. Overall great CoD title.

I wish this wasn't a timed exclusive, it makes no sense. Besides that, its got 3 great HD versions of 3 classic 3D Mario Games. Was worth it alone for galaxy for me.

Great Mario Party title. It's so much fun with friends! It works like a classics collection, as most of the minigames are from the N64 and GameCube Mario Party Titles, so they're all very entertaining and fun. There's a selection of cool things you can do outside of the board game, too, like go to Mt. Minigames and play the minigames from there, or check out the shop and buy different cosmetic stickers or stuff for your profile you can add. This is one of the essential titles you'd want for the switch multiplayer imo.

The way they yanked 2D Metroid out of the grave and absolutely nailed it is such an impressive feat that doesn't happen with many franchises like this. This game is filled with action thanks to the brand new enemy this game features. Some of the sequences in this game can be entirely horrifying and fills the player with adrenaline. The bosses are so well done and very impressive on a 2D plane. The most positive thing I can say for this one is that its not too cryptic either, but still can rack your brain in some places. I think that is a huge bonus because it's a little more friendly for newcomers but still gives them a good challenge, and still remains an engaging experience no matter what for Veteran fans of the franchise. It still can be quite a difficult game, too, even on the default difficulty. But overall, Nintendo proved once more that they can a very solid 2D entry in another classic franchise.

Ocarina of Time with better textures, controls, and some good QoL changes.

Only reason I can't give this one a 5 stars is that I don't like World of Light all that much, and that Doom guy got the mii costume treatment. Still the best Smash title by far tho

It's more of a hunting game than an open-world narrative. Instead of animals, you're hunting giant machines, or they're hunting you. The open world in this game is absolutely massive and stunningly beautiful, some would describe it as bland or empty, but it works amazingly well for the concept of the game. The combat against the AI is a lot of fun and engaging, and even can get kind of scary sometimes. I love this game but I can't ignore the ridiculous amount of DLC they try to sell you, I think that is hurting the game a lot. Most of the DLC is really scummy too, like new weapons and a whole new vehicle hidden behind a paywall of up to 8$ USD. I really cannot support the business practices of this game but the base game is very cheap on sale and I do quite recommend giving it a try, is very fun solo or co-op.

A great follow-up to the first New Super Mario Bros Game. This title is filled with a lot of color that most entries in the series lack. The music even feels a bit more layered in this one, too. It has some of most unique and well designed levels in the series as well. It played great on the 3DS, especially with the collect-a-thon gimmick that's very fitting for a handheld title. I enjoyed playing this one greatly and it still feels like a fresh breath of air for a series usually known for being quite repetitive.