Everyone who hates this game is a coward

A full star for gameplay and Disney worlds which I can’t lie the gameplay is incredibly fun and the Disney worlds are the best it’s ever been however the story itself was honestly garbage especially the way keyblade graveyard was handled, I mean this is kh don’t get me wrong I wasn’t expecting a masterpiece when it came to the writing but boy was this just…not very good. kh3 feels entirely different from the rest of the series and that’s not a compliment, I guess if the only character you honestly give a shit about is sora and the Donald/goofy/sora trio and don’t really care about the other characters then boy is this the game for you, when I say that the rest of the cast was severely underused… love characters being set up to have an amazing moment only for something to happen and sora needing to come save the day in the most laziest forced ass way possible yup awesome!

Reverse rebirth 5/5
Soras side itself 4/5

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While I enjoyed this way more than I enjoyed kh3 I feel like I’m being kinda generous giving it 3 stars and the reason for that is that most of the dlc is literally reused content, most of the boss fights are fights that you’ve already done just getting the option to play as another character and the worst part is that you have to redo some of these as sora AGAIN! You get new cutscenes here and there, team attacks with most of the trios expect for a riku and sora attack which feels odd but they probably didn’t give them one because there is a sora/Mickey/riku team attack and I’m actually pretty mad about how dirty my boy riku was done gameplay wise the stuff I found enjoyable was definitely the guardians vs replica xehanorts and a couple of scenes in the limit cut episode, data greeting was a neat idea though I personally don’t use it much. I will say that locking important scenes behind very difficult bosses was a dick move, the secret boss is fair but important scenes being locked behind 13 bosses is bullshit.

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Say what you will about this game but hollow bastion was fire