har har har har har har har har har har har har

The gameplay is pretty good, but there's so much going against this game. Online only can suck my balls

good LORD is this game pay to win

Mid as hell. Took the original game and improved on it in maaaaaaaaaybe two ways. The game is short, completion was short, the story is kinda garbage. They did improve on web-slinging, and I guess combat is better in a way or two. They barely changed anything, and honestly, I just prefer the original.

This is easily my favorite roguelike of all time. Each run feels random, but not so random that you have no control. In fact, it feels like you have just enough control that every run is in your hands. Each character is unique and fun in their own way. There's just so so much replicability, especially with eclipse mode letting you take your skills all the way to the limit. I genuinely think this game has ruined other roguelikes for me, like now whenever I try and play new roguelikes, I get tired of them so quickly. Thats how good this game is.

I have gone back and forth on loving and hating this game so much, but I can't stop playing it. After every failed run, it drags me back into the caves the beat me up again. It's so hard to tell if I'm enjoying myself or just losing my mind.

This game has so much going for it and so much going against it. There's so many weird choices made gameplay wise that can hamper the experience, but in a strange way, I feel as if it elevates the experience. The story is one of my top five video game stories ever and I love how well written each character is. They feel like real people, which is incredibly difficult to pull off in a video game. Genuinely a masterpiece, though you have to put up with a bit of garbage to experience it.

It was a good game; it was just so easy and short. I fully completed the game in about 10 hours. I enjoyed what was there, I just wish there was some more variety, like if they gave the main cast of characters slightly different movement like in 3D World. At least then I'd have a reason to play it again. Still a great game, and a huge step up from the new soup hell we were trapped in, but I was just left wanting more.

A genuinely great game, it just falls into the pitfall of being so similar to the original. It definitely does things to set it apart from botw, but looking back through my memories of the game, I could barely recall most of the time I spent playing

It's a good game, really good movement and level design, I just wish it was a bit longer. I suppose it's a good thing to be left wanting more, as that is really my only complaint, it was just detrimental to me.

This game represents all my issues with modern Minecraft. The fact that every update has to run on mobile heavily limits what is possible and leads to some incredibly underwhelming updates. Even the updates that add a lot of features I personally feel mess with the core experience. The nether update was cool, but now I have to spend forever searching for the nether fortress. New caves are cool, but now I have to spend forever searching for diamonds. It just takes what I want to do and makes it much longer to accomplish. I still think I'd prefer those updates to ones that add useless changes. Copper had so much potential, but no, it's only used for decoration. If it weren't for the ability to play older versions of Java, I don't know if I'd ever play Minecraft again.

I bought this game for the online multiplayer, which I played with a few friends and had an absolute blast. Bowser's Fury was also a spectacular addition to an already spectacular game.

This is one of the best DLCs of all time

Gameplay >>>>>>> graphics. Too bad both absolutely blew in this game. Everyone knows how ugly this game is, but if you don't, just imagine if your six-year-old cousin was given a playstation 1 dev kit and tried to create the blandest land imaginable. That would probably still look better than this game. Even without that, there's the whole controversy of Game Freak lying about making new models, which is obviously false. Ignoring all of this and just looking at the game still makes me want to bash my head in. Every single battle takes ages to complete. For what? I see the same stupid cutscene every time I enter a battle and the same one every time I win in one move because of awful balancing. I'm okay with games being easy, but I'd have a harder time counting to three than I did in any of the battles. It's like playing smash bros against somebody who is in a coma. The story is absolutely horrendous, too. They constantly did this thing where everyone would be talking about some crazy thing that's going on in some area you can't currently access, but as soon as you finally get there, it's conveniently wrapped up. They would also fade to black to avoid doing animations, which was honestly good because some of the animations were so absolutely horrendous that I ended up wishing that I never had to see such an abomination. Nothing about this game is fun. I feel deeply sorry for pokemon fans, or at least the ones that don't try and defend this game. Seriously, if you truly love this game and you've played other video games that aren't on ROBLOX, then fine. I'll respect your opinion, but you have to admit this game can be better. It makes me sad, mad, disappointed, and a variety of other emotions that make my day worse. If you're thinking about buying this game, save your money. Save your time. Save yourself, from a purely negative experience.

I bought this game as a joke. It kinda works sort of in a way, but it was super finnicky and didn't even have enough range to cover a doorway.