The story for this game was pretty good and the gameplay is pretty awesome it feels like a gears of war and halo combo. id probs come back to this to play again. liked.

i enjoy how random the game is and the graphics are really cool. a bit short if your arent after a completion but still amazing. liked.

this game has increased my brain size and has given me several headaches however its pretty fun and the puzzles are cool. liked

quite a fun challenge with really interesting visuals. liked.

This game is incredibly nostalgic to me even though I had never finished the campaign fully me and my childhood friends spent hours in the forge of this game messing around as they came round my house everyday after school ended to play this and bo2 zombies. loved.

Awesome game and i enjoy it everytime i play it. loved.

i have destroyed the past of the 4 main characters and this game is awesome probably one of the best rougelikes i have played.loved.

its good during the story but once you have finished that it just turns terrible for a game made to keep players playing the end game is garbage. meh.

a great game to demonstrate the ps5 . liked.

this game improves the movement and thats about it from the first one the story is weaker and so are the characters. liked

cool little free game on the ps5.meh.

cool but incredibly short more of a demo.meh.

I do enjoy this game despite it annoying me so much in the first few playthroughs but after the 3rd or 4th one something just clicked. liked

it has improved things from the first one however it didn't vibe with me as much as the first one did. liked.

Pretty funny and is fun to complete.liked.