I romanced Morrigan in my main save, so it had a of extra content for that whole thing. It's really just like, a sequel hook. I thought Finn and the other one, Ariane I think, played off each other well, but I'm not gonna remember them really.

The Varterral was goofy looking, and its fight was like, nothing. It was in the same arena as the high dragon in Awakening, but had none of the threat. It was just some spindly weird thing that sometimes spawned small dragons.

Also because I'd sold all my spare stuff before the archdemon fight, and I imported my epilogue save, my staff was gone. Not equipped and not in my inventory. I ended up using some sword I picked up.

75mm sucks and I hate it. I'm deathly afraid of bouncy springs. im crying i had to play this through, twice, so i could work on 101%ing donkey kong 64. the sound of jumpman's unholy squeaky shoes makes me shudder. he falls two feet and then dies.

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It felt like it ended abruptly. Like, I didn't know the Mother was the last boss, I thought I'd be dealing with the Architect afterward. But it was like... that's it. You're done. Epilogue.

I liked the way the Mother fought though. Lots of midfight additions of childers.

I didn't really care for any of the companions outside of Nathanial. He was pretty cool. I liked seeing how Justice and Anders really feed into the worst parts of each other to create Dragon Age II Anders.

I sold that stupid kitten by mistake like three times when I was selling garbage on autopilot.

It's just okay. I don't think I'll replay this (or really any of the DLC campaigns).

My spouse and I played this in the living room, and it was a great game for date night. They're legally blind, so I had to read the bestiary text aloud - I ended up with a super sore throat, but it was so worth it! Hanging out and trying to figure out which critter fit the caller's problem was a great time. We ended up finishing it in one sitting.

The silly little creatures are fun, and a lot of the callers call in with pretty ridiculous problems. Some are sad, but it wraps around into being funny when you remember they're just getting an info packet with the words "We can send over a memory wipe package" or "Just ignore your fake dog". I would NOT want to live in this universe. The ending song after you're promoted reminded me of something out of a Jim Henson company flick.

The price for how long the game is doesn't bother me. We've had more expensive dates, and fifteen is a cheap date.

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It's a little shallow, but pretty cute. A good nothing game to play while listening to podcasts or new albums, I think. I don't like the... I guess the angle? I can have trouble making some stuff out.

I don't like the basebuilding, or babysitting the silly little animals. They just poop right in the kitchen, it's mayhem. It's just pretty busywork with no true depth.

I spared The One Who Waits, and he came with the jerk trait. He follows me around making faces and mean noises, and he keeps punching me and taking my money. Just when I forget about him, WHAM. He smacks me. It's just like having a bratty cat.

He also hates sacrifice.

Figure that one out.

The little things introducing the characters remind me of those videos making fun of Bollywood editing. Or like, the opening to Snatch? It was just weird.

The music was fun and bouncy, but the DLC was just okay. I liked it more than Darkspawn Chronicles. I think Leliana's voice actress has a pretty voice, so it was nice to hear her again.

I remember really really wanting this when I was a kid, but my small games budget was spent on sims 2 dlc instead. Which is fine enough, because I think I would've been pretty disappointed by this.

It's short and a little dull. The larger darkspawn get stuck on eachother, or on decorative elements.

The name Barkspawn was pretty cute for the doggie though. Also, I guess I gained a minimal amount of respect for Howe for actually being on the very frontlines of the defence.

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Yuffie was cute and fun! She was also WAY more fun to play than the options from the base game, and I liked how I didn't have to switch who I played. It was just Yuffie, and ordering Sonon to do stuff. Perfect.

I thought Fort Condor was really fun! I wasn't a fan of the original Fort Condor because it was so slow, but this is nice and zippy.

Sonon's death had no impact because I only knew him for two chapters, and he was obviously going to die. I hate Deepground, I think it's a little too silly and over the top. Nero is dressed like a jackass and his face looks like he got halfway through a mummy costume. Weiss was just there in a cutscene to explain why you can fight him postgame.

Even though I don't like Dirge of Cerberus stuff, this was still way better than the base story. Yuffie is just so much more enjoyable as a character and a combatant.

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It's fun seeing Midgar in this more detailed way, like going to a place you've only seen in postcards. It does a good job showing the scale of some atrocities Shinra did.

Gameplay-wise, I'm not really a fan of this chip-damage-until-stagger style of combat. It doesn't really feel as satisfying to me. Some bosses were cool, but there were some unskippable mini-scenes at certain health levels. Rufus and the Big Time Ghost sucked because if you die you have to watch unskippable cutscenes again, which is a little retro in a bad way. I only liked playing as Barret, everyone else was just tolerable. I wish playing well didn't seem to require switching constantly between the characters.

I was okay with the time ghosts because they were explained similarly to WEAPON, as a sort of planet immune system thing. It's still stupid, but the same tier of stupid. There were too many of the shambling black cloaked men for my tastes. I know they were in the original, but they felt more spaced apart, so they were easier to shrug off.

As a character I liked Barret best. I'm not a fan of this take on Reno, who I always imagined as a bit of a slimy playful asshole. Here he's just a young hotblooded cocky guy??

I played with Japanese voices, and it was fine; I wasn't really a fan of the English cast.

I liked the gameplay, but couldn't get into the plot or characters.

Astarion and Lae'zel were pretty alright, but I didn't like anyone else. They were either incredibly dull or a bit annoying. Karlach felt manufactured to be "cool", and some of her dialogue felt very unreal in a video game-y immersion breaking way.

Removes all the actual fun of chess, It's just "lol haha so random funny!! i won and had no idea why!!" meme game

it's buggy and mediocre, but it's one of my go-to "something mindless to do with my hands while chatting" games

I like how you can just play on one character, and do all the classes without switching to a different one. It sort of reminded me of runescape.

I didn't mind what parts of the main questline I played storywise, it was tolerable, but I didn't enjoy how the dungeons were tied to the quests. I don't really like the dungeons in MMOs, so I don't want to play them. I've done like... one before this game, in World of Warcraft, and wasn't a fan.

Doing them with NPCs is dull, but doing them from the queue, with other players was something I wasn't too big into either.

I think I did the first three dungeons, and it was kind of boring.

With NPCs you have to play as the tank and go zoom to collect every guy from every room, otherwise the NPCs go room by room and it is terrible. Online is the same way, I think, because it went fine when I went zoom there also. (Sometimes it didn't but I could not tell you why.)

Just not the MMO for me. I signed up for fashion, but I guess that's an endgame thing. I didn't like the game enough to get that far.

This was a big game in my household growing up, so replaying it was a very "awww!" time for me. I loved gathering up the little guys to raise the town prosperity, and I loved all the quirky dialogue.

it's just okay. I'll play it socially if I invited, but it's not my first choice.

I'm not a fan of higher tier moons being locked behind buying one-time access. In general I don't like games that are so dimly lit, either. Stumbling around in the dark is kind of boring to me, especially when it is through identical corridors. The manor is cool, though.