this don't be shin megami tensei, it be mid megami tensei. the music would convince you it's lit megami tensei tho, so they got that part right.

i'm rating it this way not because of the gameplay, but in spite of it. this game is so much my shit. everything good about this game feels far above average, but the actual gameplay and aspects of the presentation are so firmly and hopelessly average... or worse. my brain is sighing.

got bored and quit before even finishing it. this game is like 2 hours. what the hell.

i love puzzle fighting games but god i just want them to have netplay.

i can forgive all the jank (visually and occasionally otherwise) for all the joy this game gives me. it's a game about unbelievably broken characters being balanced out by the varied level design and great enemy variety.

On one hand, the feeling that you're butting heads with a games skill ceiling an hour after starting it up can be a pretty bad feeling. On the other hand, holy shit me and my homies laugh our asses off and lose our minds playing this together, it's a lot of fun in it's madness. The biggest issue here is the aforementioned skill ceiling, it's missing a lot of that hard to quantify magic sauce known as depth. I think there is absolutely a place for games like Fantasy Strike, but I think games like it would have more staying power if they tried to provide access to depth instead of simplifying depth. Even the most popular online games kids play like Fortnite have an immense well of depth in strategy and design compared to this games.

Thanks for using Rollback.

Gamifying my love of crawling through old geocities pages with a compelling narrative, hilarious gags and far too much stuff to discover. Yeah, this is the shit right here.

If you've ever played similar simulation games where your goal is to optimize something and plan ahead, like Punch Club, Victory Road is something you definitely wanna check out. It doesn't look as pretty as it's contemporaries but it has much more to think about with decision making and strategy. You're also a more active participant in the goal of this game, actually having some control over the boxer during matches.

what a piece of shit. it rules.

This is history in the made.
It's gone, it's been done, he's an egg (i think) and he runs kinda fast but not that fast but you could make him run pretty fast if you tried but i'm not sure. I have no perception of the gamefeel, escaping my grasp gamefeelty and constantly the egg.

not recommended.
should you play this? i can't answer that, but you can. have you ever thought about choking out a baby? do you feel like the futanari love-quest of your hearts innermost desires is just around the corner? are you ok? ok with all of it?

please shut the fuck up brain.

At a young age, Little Michael had very few aspirations, but he had one very big and important one. He wanted to be really cool, he didn't care how. He wanted to be cool so he could attract the attention of the opposite sex. Little Jeremiah however, lacked drive, vision and ability. So instead of doing something cool, he practiced not practicing his guitar for as long as possible. Then when he turned 8, he used his art degree (real) and his callous, well practiced hands to play the guitar.

The female of his dreams ultimately ended up reciprocating, then rejecting, then reciprocating with our hero Little Walter once again. This says a lot.

Advantages of the game: It has achieved maximal prowess in videogame storytelling and gameplay integrals. I often look back at my own life, think about all the times I did nothing and got everything I want, and then I think about how pathetic Little Earl is with his shitty art degree and fake hallucinated guitar. This game brings me a most great and earnest pleasure.

Disadvantages of the game: The dog speaks. I do not think it is funny or cute or adds anything to the game. Sorry.

Even me, a nightless creature with no dreams (aspirations) and no dreams (unconscious hallucinations) can dream (conscious hallucinations) once in a while... Believe me, it happens. This game is my reality. Everything you see and do brings you closer to me, whether you like it or not. If you hate me, stay away... grr lol.

if the experiment was to create a human attachment to a two dimensional being through lifelike characteristics by grafting skin and various external organs to said two dimensional being, they utterly failed.

however, they did succeed at applying personality traits to a two dimensional being through narration, and that has to count for somethi-... wait, no it fucking doesn't. i could tell you a compelling story about a rock through narration. i could even make you utilize the rock in accordance with the story i tell. this is a parlour trick. it's alright i guess. the music is nice.