14 reviews liked by Snoc

This is a game that kind of goes beyond words. The game is abstract enough to keep me coming back to it, wanting to see how deep the game really goes. The game is fun and fluid to control, and just the simple act of flying around is fun. Learning to master each level and find the optimal paths through each route to maximize bonus time score is exhilarating. The A-life system is also curious and provides an interesting personalization to each persons game file (even if 99.99% of players have ZERO IDEA how that system works.) The plot is even a heartwarming story about overcoming anxieties and finding your way, even if the CG for the cutscenes is a little scary by todays standards. This is just one of those games that I adore from both a gameplay and vibe perspective. It probably isn't for everyone as I'm sure the abstract nature of literally everything would confuse people enough to stop playing, but it hit all the right notes for me. There is a modern port to PC that some diehard fanatics swear against because of control issues but ngl they feel pretty much identical to me so I think it's a solid way to play if you don't have a sega saturn lying around.

the best game ive ever played when my internet goes out

Didn't know people didn't like this game it's the console version is great for zoning out and or listening to music/podcasts the gameplay is simple arcade like and really addicting. I think you guys are a little too hard on this game

I will never forgive Nintentubers for convincing my stupid kid self into thinking this game was a masterpiece

I was fortunate enough to have had this game stolen from me before I could be really attached to it.

You can literally gun down Batcow

this game is a fucking mystical creature to me. i played the demo like once in a fever dream at someones house and it lived with me forever as the greatest thing created by man. i actually played it and kind of regretted taking that from me but it was so forgettable that i don't think that initial feeling is entirely gone