4 reviews liked by SoIaire



I'll see someone put the corniest string of words together under a game i like then this kids sad little face will be staring at me on their best games ever throne

I am fully convinced this game activates some sort of sleeper agent implant in your brain that irreversibly changes your taste in media forever and starts making you shill it to literally everyone you know. I got a good chunk of my friend group into it purely on the virtue of being incredibly annoying.

this game has tokio morishima in it

If I had a single good word to describe this game, it would be "cool."

This game is cool.

It's not an incredibly well written story and the gameplay is pretty primitive even in its own time and genre of Japanese graphic adventures.

But it is absolutely an awesome adventure and there some incredibly awesome moments. I wish I was able to go into a bit further than that here but just take my word for it. This game is really cool.