Beat it 100%
All endings.

I'll miss Judy.


it no longer works for me :////

Hooked, easy to get into. Something that I will keep coming back to easily

Wasn't as invested in this compared to the original and while it is weaker, I liked what it was going

I loved it, a great indie game. I love some of the themes I enjoyed and it was a nice comfort since I just want to escape, go wherever, no longer following a script. This will always have a place in me for providing that. Being a crutch or for even wanting me to escape even more lol.

I liked the story, it isn't perfect and rushed in some areas while being a bit meh in some... overall though I thoroughly enjoyed it.

- Almost all the other characters we see each time we start anew are a delight to see and it was great seeing many different views on the game's overarching plot. Some want to escape, murder, or have blind support for the cause.
- The soundtrack was so good, I loved the idea of having them as collectibles and then once finding them, being able to use them wherever.
- I like the style, a quite refreshing one that reminds me of other games similar to this.

- Choices. Don't get me wrong, some of the choices have a great effect but not enough. It's my main gripe with games like these despite my enjoyment of them. I wish that more of our choices had more of an impact and not just the ones you expect to have an impact on. Like it would be funny if stealing a bag of chips meant that Tyrak won, obviously a joke but I mean that I want even the minor choices to have at least some level of impact.

In terms of a simulator game... this was fine. I quite enjoyed working in the prison but my god the "main story" is so ass. It's just a thing in the background to make this game feel less like it's becoming more of a chore as the game progresses because sure I enjoyed this game but then it became dull with its tedious pointless freeplay activities (you don't need to do all of them even once, especially the gun ones, it isn't relevant) and for those activities that aren't pointless, they become painstakingly numb after a couple goes, also for the ones that offer actual beneficial stats... you only need to do them 5 times and then it isn't necessary if you just want to beat the game.

It can be fun ig if you're fine with the mundane but I got pretty sick after a while.

Also I don't care about the quality of the animation since its a simulator game, the standard for them are usually low, but my god PLEASE ADD A SKIP BUTTON. When I am rushing to do the finale, I do not want to be forced to experience the soulless cutscenes again and again.

Final criticism for the game - Fuck that one bomb puzzle. The one with the rings. I am already blind as it is, there should be an option to view the pieces of paper instead of being forced to decipher a couple of poorly made-out pixels.

The only way I'd be fine with that piece of paper is if the goddamn simples on them were readable but they weren't.

Solid Kid Laroi event, could've been longer or even feel like it's a large scale event


Regret procrastinating this game.

One of the most cathartic games to date for me next to House Flipper. A must get

This games monetisation system was so bad to the point where I missed the loot boxes.

Also I miss when we had levels 😪

Hahaha.... so fun and not mind numbing at all.

One of the worst lego games of all time although better than the movie its based on. That movie shouldn't exist and they should've stopped after the TV show or at least continue on that and not reboot it with a failed attempt to be like Lego Batman/movie.

This is as bland as a lego game can get next to Lego Movie 2. One of those cash grab games that fail to entertain in the slightest. You can't poke fun with how bad it is.

This actually sucks, I could barely sit through it. This game bored the f*ck out of me, I fell asleep a few times. The story? Zzzzzz. Lackluster af.
Boring dull exploration, with terrible rewards.
Tedious, this isn't a frustrating game at all and should be used to help those who struggle to go to sleep.

This a terrible way to change up the repetitiveness of lego games and it's improved upon in their future lego games such as the Skywalker saga although that can get boring.