Wow goddamn!!! You got your Tactics in my SMT! Devil Survivor mixes Tactics style movement for the allies and foes on the field with fights becoming traditional SMT battles and it is a blast. Mix the engaging gameplay with SMT vibes and a killer soundtrack and you got yourself one of the most fun 3DS games you'll ever play (There's also a DS version but 3DS version got more stuff.)

The soundtrack is like the best. Bleeding, lead guitar heavy riffs that get you immersed into the often intense moments the game has to offer. It's hard to get hype in fights with tiny sprites doing limited animations, but I promise you the music carries the atmosphere and it really did the job for me in keeping me engaged.

This game is an easy recommend for SMT fans old and new and like literally anyone who likes tactical and RPG games.

You ever wonder why Bomberman games are weirdly obsessed with theme parks? I've been playing a bunch of games from the series and half the time it involves some shit going down in a theme park.

Music and vibes are pretty tight. I have a soft spot for games that put effort into giving a game character and atmosphere and you can find a fair amount here.

This is my first Summon Night game so idk how it stacks up to the rest but it's ok to play and the story didn't grip me as it is just a late 00's fantasy anime in game form. The presentation, music and color usage is good quality stuff.

I have to say the devs tried really hard to entertain the player and I would have totally been into this if I was 14 but I'm an adult who'd rather not tap a DS screen to attack a sponge-y monster over and over.

Clover did their best to convert Joe to the DS, but hardware limitations held this game allllll the way back from realizing its potential.

Slow VFX looks and feels like ass, Fast Forward VFX is replaced by a mechanic where the player scribbles on the DS screen to make random shit fall onto enemies and it's really lame.

It feels like a Viewtiful Joe game, and the presentation is still great but man what a tragedy Clover was never able to improve upon their handheld outings.

It has a unique control scheme that's strange but it's not bad. I can hardly find the words to describe the controls, but it seems like context sensitive touch based gameplay that I see a lot of people not gel with because Ninja Gaiden is about high-skill precise timing, but it's a DS game, dog. It takes the gimmick of the DS touch stuff and runs with it in a way I find entertaining.

I don't know how the fuck you can emulate this thing. It's definitely worth at least checking out if you have the hardware to do so.

Shut the fuck up and kick my ass so I can eat more food.

Aight so I played this for few hours and I get exactly why Harry Potter adults like this game: it successfully captures the magic of the books and especially the earlier films really well. There's a lot of environmental detail in Hogwarts that is fun to look at. Lots of moving paintings and inanimate objects doing fun and whimsical things that really don't need to be there at all but greatly contribute to the atmosphere. I wish more games did that. Aside from the spectacles this game has, it ultimately doesn't really deserve much consideration as a game worth playing.

The story had small amounts of intrigue I can see being interesting down the line , but really most of the plot I saw is just a vehicle for nostalgia baiting to give the casual audience what they paid for. That's fine and all but I was never hooked on a single thing that was happening. It does not help at all that the game spends a lot of time addressing that you are a fifth year student who just joined Hogwarts because you are super cool and smart and almost everybody in school likes you from the jump. It is really hard to shake the notion that your character is anything but a self-insert in for someone's DeviantArt fan fiction power fantasy and doesn't make for a lot of room for a player to make a character they can really express themselves with.

What's really funny is you can see & feel where this game halted development as a live service and 180'd into a single player experience. A really smart move considering the collapse of the live service side of the market, but it's obvious you were meant to run dungeons with another player or two and collect loot exactly like Destiny 2. How you find items and even the equip menu UI is dead on exactly like Destiny. The spell effects are cool and take after the latter Harry Potter movies where they essentially act like wizard bullets -- and doing your special wizard move looks pretty good.

This game also involves a lot of stealth, which is the weakest aspect of this entire game. The two stealth sections I played were linear and really, really boring. All I could think about while playing them was that this game is meant for casual audiences and not meant to be challenging, but then I remembered Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on Gamecube that came out twenty-one years ago had the same philosophy on its stealth sections but gave the player more freedom to take on it's stealth challenges.

This game started development before JK Rowling's overt fascist-adjacent views were brought under spotlight and we can go back and forth all fucking decade on the pros and cons of supporting this game as a consumer product. That all said, I'm a second generation Scottish immigrant and a person who recognizes Trans people and their inherit rights as human beings; I'm not gonna throw that aside to support some extraordinarily mid video game even if it doesn't greatly affect JK Rowling's wealth or influence. Fuck her whole ass life, her momma, and her momma's momma. So I pirated this thing and deleted the files after I realized I wasn't engaged at all and everyone was arguing over a product that really isn't special in any way other than emulating the vibes of earlier media of this franchise to get some bucks from an audience who've had a hard life and are not terminally online like all of us. This game's existence is just a touchstone of how pathetic the game industry, the consumer base and internet discourse really is. I kind of want to live in another dimension where Harry Potter doesn't exist so I never have to witness an event like this again. Hogwarts Legacy, everyone!

This game runs like shit on PC too.

No, you don't understand. It''s SUPPOSED to be repetitive and boring to play. You wouldn't get it because you're clearly not familiar with the intricate workings of Yoko Taro who is a master of narrative story telling. Here's a seven hour lore video that exonerates him from all your petty criticisms.

This game fucking suuuuuuuuuuuucks so bad. I do mean like really bad. It has the worst AI I've seen in a game published by a major studio, it has a massive amount of bugs -- but I love it so much. It's a beautiful trainwreck of good ideas and bad gameplay.

I have warm feelings about this game despite me hating nearly every second of playing it. It is one of those it's so bad it's good pieces of media, so if that's your bag, pick this one up for 49 cents or whatever it goes for on sale. A guy gave me his PS4 copy for free because he was so pissed off about it and it had a low resale value lmao.

If you think needing to play two obscure & confusing games to fully understand what's going on here is bad, play Travis Strikes Again, which is a sequel to eight games.

No one can argue that Suda doesn't make games for his fans.

Nintendo really gonna charge us $120 for Metroid Prime Trilogy remastered

I literally cannot play this game because the graphics make me physically ill (I'm being for real, I get sick because my brain cannot process the garbage color textures well and has now made me scared about having some sort of condition so thank you a lot Cruelty Squad).

I played two missions while dicking around the overworld and had a blast. I know the art style is on purpose and it's really funny but I might fucking die if I continue playing it so everyone else have fun.

Dragon Quest 11 doesn't surprise you with it's gameplay, but literally everything about it makes me fall back in love with video games. The music, world, and characters are ridiculously well done. Dragon Quest is truly the king of fundamentals of a classic JRPG.

In a series known for it's GOAT party members, I have to say that Sylvando is the single BEST Dragon Quest character and one of the best goddamn characters in video games. The English VA for Sylvando (Shai Matheson) absolutely crushes every line. They took the script and acted their fucking ass off. When Sylvando isn't on the screen, everyone should be asking "where is Sylvando?". He's so good that in a lengthy ass game like this where he has a full charcter arc and everything, it doesn't feel like he's in it enough.

Also big shout out to Veronica who is a little ball of hate that never left my party once she joined and has a few moments I won't spoil but I laughed my fucking ass off in delight of just how mad and petty she is.

This is a pretty good babysitter for military dudes while I fuck their wives.