If this game had better netcode, we would be talking about one of the greatest competitive games ever made.

I own this on every system that can run it. I can't stop playing it.

Watching children get murdered on-screen at a Toys R Us game demo kiosk in 2002 impressed upon my young mind that this game rules.

It's been like 10 years and this still the best way to enjoy a majority of the series in an official capacity. On a console two generations removed.

At least it's got a lil art booklet

This has to be one of the most obscure games to be released on a console. There is hardly any footage of this game on the internet; and I could have sworn I hallucinated this game's existence because the game looks like a feverish hallucination.

I can't add pictures on Backloggd, so I want you to conceptualize a cel-shaded, 3D Bugs Bunny model -- and consider the model like the nucleus of a cell. Upon proper magnification of microscope it's quite easy to see that it's central to the image the eye projects to your brain. Now consider the game's quarter-assed attempt to border the cel-shaded model as the ectoplasm to the nucleus. The mind struggles to visually grasp the ectoplasm seemingly random movements around the surface around the defined nucleus, as if the bordering's intent was obfuscation of conceptualizing the character model as a whole. That's how much the cel-shading bothers me and if the cel-shading was a guy I would slash his tires and steal the radio out of his car.

Every several years or so i unearth this game a box and go "what the FUCK is this?" and then remember that I've owned a copy of this game for 20 years, I remember every previous time I've unearthed the game and questioned it's existence only in that moment that I unearth the game. Dooming myself to a cycle of perpetual mystery that I keep myself from solving. As if no one is allowed to have concrete memory of LOONS and their fight for fame.

Oh, the game sucks by the way.

Playing the fan translation on Duckstation in 4k resolution is the ideal experience. It's truly a fun, innovative game that is a must play if you care at all about racing or Playstation 1 era games.

What if the Final Fantasy 7 team made a car based RPG inspired by Initial D? This is your answer. Neon skylines, 90's anime cool guys racing to be the best of the best. Absolutely phenomenal soundtrack pumping while you fight for your life in the streets -- grinding for better parts and cars like a maniac. It's simply bliss.

This is one of the most unique experiences in gaming. From developers who were creatively on fire, in a time where gaming was highly exploratory and experimental in approach and execution of ideas. Racing Lagoon is the ideal "caRPG" that hasn't been surpassed.

Hey you. Play this fucking video game.

Don't look at any plot synopsis. Just buy it and play it. You will not regret it.

As a kid I thought the dude said "He's the bippity one, Bumble" So Buck Bumble will always be the bippity one to me.

My sister and I played the fucking shit out of the 2 player soccer mode even though I'm pretty sure it's a gag feature because the controls are terrible.

This game needed two more years of dev time to be the mediocre experience it was intended to be.

I did a recent replay and boy did this game not age well. It doesn't help I played Insomniac's 2018 Spider-Man before. Though in 2004 this game was HOT. One of the best movie tie-in games ever made.

Unironically one of the best Call of Duty games, mostly because it feels close to Titanfall and the campaign is actually decent.


The first time I played this I clipped through the floor in the tutorial level and landed in some unused area that was a dark pit that you can't escape from. Good times.

Also this is one of the hardest games to complete without losing your mind.

A little long, but the story is pretty good overall.

Some of the tracks are fucking God tier.

One of all-time faves. I feel alive again every time I replay it.