Classic. Crazy presentation and marvelous soundtrack

The graphics arent my cup of tea and there is so little content for single player. Story mode is lazy and doesn't deliver much

But in the end it's a fighting game, and it works just as it should

ofc it would die fast. Fate Grand Order clone and outdated for the time

Favorite fighting game ever.
I read all the story through all games and oh man, what a crazy ride it was. Great characters but confusing world.

Its Mario, not my cup of tea but i know how good this game is for the genre

A must play on wii. I had a blast on the singleplayer mode and spent a crazy good amount of time on it

What a art direction. Vanillaware sold me to them with this game. This is a spectular to the eyes.

Gameplay goes a bit repetitive but its forgiven by all the rest.

I did not play the original version.
The only bad thing i can say about this expansion its the story i wanted the story to be represented in a diff way. There wasnt any incentive to replay the stages, if it had a conquest mode like Sengoku Basara 3 i would have no complains.

Oh before i forgot, some characters feel way more weaker than some.

This game is full of content. Clone weapons were made in a way i did not mind them at all.

Having factions story was a nice take and you could unlock what if scenarios. There is so much replayability that its insane, top musou game

I played the psp version. It was a nice alternative, the hub world is missing but when you play it, you dont feel his absent

Great musou game with tons of content and replayability.

The only complain i have is the amount of XP points you can save. With hundreds of characters you will want to try everyone, but the stages start getting hard and you dont have enough XP points to LVL up them and so they become unplayable thanks to difficulty.

Personally this game falls short because of the story. The new characters and add ons are a nice touch and make the combat satisfying.

Till this day i still have hard time with the controls

I'm a huge musou fan but this game never fulfilled me. After i completed every story stage i had no reason or will to do the extra stages. Its a good game but something is missing out for me, gameplay didn't feel great in the long term.

Worst thing about this game is having no video showing what every active skill does, text alone doesn't do it.