This game is a disaster, there is almost no content. The story can be beaten in 4hours max. There is no free mode, you can't replay the story stages with any character you wish so whats the point of replaying this game ? The only reason you may replay is to try the new characters (6 new characters) but you have almost to none content to play them. This game is a disaster and completely flopped. Its sad to see how bad my favorite franchise ended

You can't go wrong with this HD collection. For Basara 2 Heroes alone its already worth it. Check my Basara 2 Heroes review for more info.

Fine side gacha game, it didn't last long. RIP

Story mode is a bit boring but the side content really makes up for it. Exploring konoah was pretty cool even thought it looked a bit empty. Its a nice nostalgic game for fans of the series.

Great stand up from the prequel. The original story they start story mode with was pretty good and the area was beautiful.
But story mode has 2 flaws: First is the combat, all you do is square and wait the enemies to die, its boring a feels like a waste of time. Second is the story length, this story ends very premature and makes no sense why they decided to end it where it ends, feels like a incomplete game.

Side content is where you revive the classic naruto story. You collect gems in story mode so you can use them to unlock scenarios, scenarios sometimes are still images, cutscenes and fights. Not the best mode but its good enough because of the fights and characters you unlock.

This game has alot of collectibles and if not the best collectibles in any Naruto game (together with the sequel). You can check special moves in any character and you have alot of figures to see, its a nice simple touch and makes it worth take a look in all of them.

They cut 2 characters from the last game but its ok, they were more of skins than anything but still would be cool if they keept them. This game has such a good character selection screen, this may be nostalgia but there is something about it i just love.

Be ready cause the soundtrack is actually good, mainly the training stage bgm, that's a banger.

Best Naruto game in the ps2 system.
This game literally is a stand up from everything the prequels build upon.

-Story Mode
The story mode is now bigger and the maps got redesigned, the world feels way more alive. You will still walk alot in empty areas but thats where the charm lies, it makes you feel like you are really travelling a world. (There is a fast travel system so it helps the travelling).

Story mode combat was also upgraded for better. Now the encounters aren't random and you can just run or stun the enemies to ignore it. You will want to ignore the fights cause the combat system its still unfun but i advice to not to.
In story mode the character now have levels and stats like in RPGs and you will need to level your characters so you can progress in the open world, so you can't always be ignoring the enemies. Only if the combat system was actually great this would be such a fun system to explore.

When you finish story mode, you then can explore a big dungeon (could be smaller) with a new character but after you complete it, you will need to complete everything again but with the main characters. This dungeons is a bit annoying and you will need to farm xp to get through it.

Also in story mode you encounter named enemies from the series, after you defeat them you unlock them in free mode. With a roster so big you will fight alot of them so it would be a good opportunity to try out the big roster this game offers but you cant. There is no character selection screen when you fight them, you can only fight with the character story mode allows you to add to your party. So this is a big missed opportunity to make this games better.

-Side Modes
This game only flaw compared with the prequels is the lack of classic naruto story. There is no side modes, only free battle. The lack of side modes can be excused when you have so many missions to accept in story mode.

Roster takes a big step up ahead with newcomers to naruto games in general. It adds missing characters that should've have been in the last game and adds more new cool characters. The only thing is probably missing is the naruto transformation from Ultimate Ninja 4 but in this game we get a new one so its ok.

Combat is not deep, there isn't really a combo systems but every character has atleast 4 diff combo routes and its cool to see they perform diff moves. Majority of the characters have 3 ultimate moves and this is were the charm of the game lies, its cool to see all these moves over and over again.
There is one combat system that ruins everything. This combat is not deep but could be fun in high level if not for the substitute system. The AI will always be escaping everything you throw to them, there is no limit to how many times you can substitute and if you want to substitute urself be ready cause you will need luck to land it.
Combat is fun and you have alot of characters but this substitute system will annoy you alot.

Collectibles make a comeback so nice touch.

My rate is for both storm 4 plus Boruto

The open world is fine but lacks a story mode.
The new system were you can only select between ultimate, awakening or support is horrible. Worst thing they made in this franchise, that alone makes the game way worse than any other in the frachise.

I have good memories. The grid system was actually fun and i spent alot of time making the best build.
The combat felt clunky and sometimes unfair but the characters and their level system felt right to me. Decent game for nostalgia

I dreamed of this game when i was a kid. I grew up, finally played and realized its a step down. This game isn't really a direct sequel to Ultimate Ninja 5 but takes the name so i will consider it.

Story mode is horrible. The only good thing is you can choose any character you unlocked. But the side-scrolling story mode doesn't work. Its repetitive and annoying.

Combat its basically the same as Ultimate Ninja 5 but with less moves. The special combos the character can do together is very cool but Ultimate Ninja 5 also did it.

The only good reason i see for playing this game its to try the new characters in the Ultimate Ninja system and new stages. They have an interesting and unique roster in this game but you don't really have much content to play with if not for free mode and left out stages of story mode.

Only if this game was not a psp exclusive and builded up on the ultimate Ninja 5 steps it would be the perfect naruto game in that era. In the minimum this game should've had more content.

Was an interesting take on Naruto but bad. Gameplay was clunky and story boring. Completed and never touched it again

Honestly pretty good game. I will consider this game a musou.

Story mode was good. You had alot to do and unlock.

Character roster was also good, characters felt different and could be equipped with cards that would change their skills and such. Having the possibility to customize a character gameplay is always a nice touch for replayability.

Huge replayability with alot of side content

Conclusion, i don't really have alot of bad things to say. If i had to pick something would be the repetitiveness and empty stages.

This game was the dream game when i was a kid.
Now im an adult and i still have fun with it. The battle is fun, sometimes clunky, but you get used to it and really can take advantage of it.

The Roster is pretty good for the time, it had every major character from the last Grand Battle games except 3 (Aokiji, Hina and Foxy)

This game Story mode is called Adventure mode and its fun for what it is. You start with one member and go from island to island doing missions and progressing the seas.

Meanwhile, while you overcome the challenges of the islands, you will expand you crew and have more character to play with.

When you get to a island you can either have a Battle, mini game or just some dialogue. Thoose Battles and mini games may have a task for you to complete, if you complete that task while defeating the stage you will be rewarded with new support characters, outfits and items that upgrade your stats (you also unlock them in the gallery). This task's helps the game feel challenging more than it is.
Completing stages also rewards you character with xp, for every lvl you get a stat point to upgrade the character stats as you will.

You then can unlock more 4 adventure campaigns which has their own captain. Although this is were the game starts to get a bit too repetitive.

This game dialogue can be completed ignored, its a completely poor telling of the One Piece Story. The dialogue is minimal , bad and cringe. Some characters have the name changed and horrible voice acting.

In conclusion, its a good One Piece game for fans. Decent roster, ok combat system and honestly great graphics and models.
This game has a charm to it and its worth to check it out. With all the characters, stages, adventure campaigns and difficulty curve there dozens if not hundreds of hours of play.

This is my favorite One Piece Game.

This game delivers such interesting and unique islands inspired from the original series. This is truly and wonderful adventure.

You go from the sunny to island to island and every island has their own secrets and unlockables. After you complete a island you make sure you come back cause you still have alot more to explore. Every island has their insects to catch, plants to catch, fishes to fish, rocks to mine & the best part is that everything is needed for something. Your progression gets stuck in upgrades and thats when exploration becomes even better.

Every character has their own customizable moveset.
For example, Zoro AAA string, you can change that string attacks to BBB or ABA, BAB, BBA its all very customizable. And to add on, every move also has his own lvl, and the higher the lvl the stronger the move is.
How do you unlock moves you ask ? Every Character have diff ways of getting new moves, either by eating specific food cooked by sanji, getting certain moves to certain lvl, unlocking items and etc.
This game just gives you so much to do and explore.

The bosses are challenging and they are presented in a very good way, be ready to get surprised by some appearances.

You also have free mode so you can play with all the characters this game has. Exactly, even the NPCs can be played in free mode. This roster is the most random roster a one Piece game had, i love it.

Even though this game is amazing it has one big flaw. You can only unlock every character if you played the prequel. I dont remember if it stops your story progression but if you want to take full advantage of this game i advise you to complete the prequel. Even with that flaw i truly love this game and is well worth getting both games for the full experience.