I only played this game so i could complete the sequel. This game its basically the same as the sequel but with diff islands and such. Almost as good as the sequel but with less content

I was expecting a unlimited cruise 3 and as i feared, it isnt.
The game isn't bad at all but since isn't what i wanted, i don't feel like playing it for now.

Also the artstyle is a bit to bright.

At the time i wanted a DS so i could play this game. Never got a ds but could get hands on the game.

This game has a lot of content and everything looks good. Sprites are wonderful and stages looks great.

Since its in japanese i could never take full advantage of this game. This game has a lot of text and so it really holds me back even with translations guides.
The older i got the more i see how clunky the battle system is, i have so much difficulty having fun in longs period of time.

This game could be WAY more better if the combat system wasn't so slow and i could understand the language.

There isnt much content in this game. There is nice stages and a decent roster. The presentation is also good but thats it.
You can see this game showed its age.

Boring game, i just go tired of it

Horrible game, worst game i probably i've played

When i started playing i got disappointed but eventually it started to grow on me. Turn Base with fighting is actually better than it sounds, it was somewhat of a refresher from the turn base.

There is something that really makes me attracted to, the art direction. The style looks dark but looks good, it pleases my eyes for some reason.

But in the end this games has BIG flaws. First flaw is the story, its all text and still images.
The second and BIGGEST flaw is the lack of free mode. The battle system can only be experienced in the story mode or in versus mode. Versus mode is exclusively to 2players so if u want to combat you need to get someone to play with you.

We all know how disastrous this localization is but i truly believe this is a nice alternative to the original series.

The only thing i really can't defense is the story/name changes, they should've stick with the original game representation. They also removed some characters which makes no sense.

The rest is a interesting change. Instead of one combo string and two special attacks like the original we know have 2 combos strings and 2 specials. Its actually satisfying to connect them and get the basara gauge fast.

One good thing i can also praise is the voice acting, for some reason the voice acting its actually good and left a good impression on me.
Another thing i can praise is the models they changed up for this localization cause honestly they were pretty good.

At first this game sucks cause its a horrible localization of Sengoku Basara but after you try and think about it, it isn't that bad. One thing is certain, if they did a good localization Sengoku Basara would be more popular in the west and more successful.

The best wii game i've played.

Good game for fans of the series. Don't expect much but it does deliver interesting concepts

The hub world is unique and covers the best part of star wars

I had fun with this game. The major problem i had was the amount of bugs.
The roster is ok but the world sure shines, not the best open world experience although has good aesthetics

Mastered in less than 18 hours while taking my own time exploring the world and mechanics

Classic. Crazy presentation and marvelous soundtrack

The graphics arent my cup of tea and there is so little content for single player. Story mode is lazy and doesn't deliver much

But in the end it's a fighting game, and it works just as it should

ofc it would die fast. Fate Grand Order clone and outdated for the time