This should be in everyones top three dmc games. DmC takes a different approach to what the fans were used to, making this game fairly overhated amongst the fans. Its a shame we'll probably never see a sequel.

its okay? I dont regret my time with it, but its definitely mediocre and overrated. Theres better games that deserve your time more than alan wake, for sure.

Very repetitive, and would only reccomend to die hard ffxv fans.


very charming experience, but in terms of gameplay there isnt much there for me. maybe its a testament to its time, although i think ueda games tend to be a bit janky anyway. more than anything, ico has a very compelling narrative

I adore the all around feel of this game. Im not one for indie games usually, but backbone helped me decompress

a lot more polished than overclocked with the gameplay and UI. the story is on par with desu 1, but my only complaint is how lighthearted the atmosphere is considering what is going on in the game. i think desu 1 did it much better in that regard.

Just as janky and buggy as the first game. But i will say that narrative wise this game picks up towards the end, and wraps itself up very beautifully. Great end to an otherwise mediocre series.

My brother in christ you forgot to smoke meth before playing

i look back on this game more fondly over time as i get more time to sit on it. shadow of the colossus is a beautiful experience, and Uedas way of story telling is unlike anything ive seen. with his games, less is more. theres these immense feelings of melancholy and bittersweetness that builds with you even after beating the game.