Arguably the best of the RPG-lite games Kassandra is by far the better protagonist but it all feels kinda shallow and pointless. The hunter merc mechanic is pretty cool tho.

Bayeks story is great and his acting is fantastic but the overall plots just fine. Egypt is beautiful. The RPG mechanics are wtv they like witcher 3 a bit too much.

idk man its alright its not long so its not that bad

Kinda weird and a lot of mechanics that dont go anywhere Ezios is still cool and i honestly dont remember the plot even as i played it

Blackflag but slightly worse. Overall its decent and a cool concept with playing as a templar for once.

Its not that bad honestly but it is a regression over Unitys ideas and kinda made sure AC never tries anything interesting ever again.

Its not bad when you dont have to deal with all the bugs and dont have a bitch in your ear complaining its garbage.

We have L4D2 at home

The L4D2 at home:

Absolute masterpiece in every single way imaginable.

Aged surprisingly well Art design is the best in the series but the plot falls off at the end.

One of the greatest open world games riddler should be executed for the good of mankind. IDK why the stylized UI got canned for this budget iron man shit tho.

Looks amazing even a decade off the batmobile overstays its welcome and the plots predictable ass hell but overall a good note for it to leave off on

A downgrade over city in some cases but overall its still a good game.

Its fine not for me personally