VA-11 Hall-A for cottage core fans

The worst AAA horror game even worse than RE6. The combat is so clunky and the game itself is too linear.

The combat was designed for 1v1 but it keeps giving you mobs and the mobs can become a more beefy version of themselves if youre not precise which is insane cause the combat is mostly melee focused

The worst golden pathing Ive ever seen in a game in general Exploring is rewarded with basically nothing. The plot is wtv

Most importantly the games not scary like at all its just humans chasing you around play manhunt if you want that.
The jump scare is the worst thing of this game however when an enemy ambushes you out of the corner and forces you into a QTE and it happens way too often.

Its a pretty good souls like over all. Team ninjas more aggressive game design is fun as always but some of the bosses just run out to stop you from staggerring which is kinda annoying. Also i played this 1 year after release the PC version is still terrible

Turned into an angel beat my dad and got beat up by king on online 9/10 delete king.

Amazing combat, surprisingly varied environments even tho it takes place in a singular location. Both protags have different and unique combat styles and the best bosses in the franchise.

The OST goes so fucking hard man. The combat in 1 is weirdly addicting 2 on the other hand is a bit slower with the fireball system not to say its bad. Exploration and puzzle solving is pretty fun if a bit primitive and archaic now. Both of these games have some of the greatest boss designs of their era.

Why is the dev not in jail yet.

I dont get it. Combats boring the evironments are rehashed to often. The visuals and sounds are amazing but its not enough to keep going to finish it.

best plot since 0. Turn based is pretty cool and job system is an amazing idea but you cant move freely in combat so its kinda annoying.

Ryuji GOATda is in it so clearly better than kiwami 1. Okinawa is beautiful and vibrant. The combat can be very hard if you dont grind the side stuff which is bs

Mostly the same game as 0 but a lesser plot. Nishiki's story is cool tho

Used to be the perfect send off for kiryu but then things happened.

Its less stupid than 4 but theres so much plot in it this one that no singular plot really gets to be the focus and becomes a mess. Kiryu's story is still amazing even tho this has the weakest villain in the franchise for him.

Just absolutely batshit insane plot where nobody dies when shot but a pretty fun game