Absolutely terrible story but i kinda like the swinging mechanics.

Alright Story everything else is just an arkham clone youll like it if you like those games.

Shocking this game came out decades before the whole cinematic games craze modern gaming has and still holds up as a unique experience.

Pretty good stealth game kinda ends while it was starting to get really good surely a sequel will improve this game.

Its weird that devs threw away everything interesting about the first game and turned it into a half baked co op sekiro like that dosent work half the time.

Ahead of its time but the controls are atrocious only recommend playing it with an emulator.

Beautiful and unique game about artistry drags on at one point but still worth playing.


Its alright few cool co op ideas but overall nothing groundbreaking

Honestly its not that good of a game but the setting and ideas are really good. Overshadowed by the fact that you have to do the same thing 8 times in a row and you dont really to engage with the game except pressing the deflect button and going to points on the map.

Incredibly short but improvements over 2 in every aspect. the campaigns really good and missions design is probably one of the best in the franchise.

One of the best of the franchise insane levels of improvments over the first one. Ezio is one of gamings greatest protags and storys pretty well done. Gameplays far more varied and interesting combat is still too easy. The city scape is beautiful.

The new engines pretty cool and allows for new mechanics but overall its just kinda alright. Storys Fine gameplays fine the hunting and tree mechanics are cool Crafting and homestead is almost hidden for some reason.

Best game in the franchise hands down. Game so good it causes the Franchise to have an identity crisis.