Honestly, I'm conflicted. I really want to just embrace this game with open arms, but it does a lot of things that make the whole ordeal such a frustrating experience for me.

First, the pros. The atmosphere is absolutely brilliant and do a great job of making the environments feel ominous and creepy. The soundtrack just oozes with pure dread and tracks that give off an air of beauty about them. The level designs are great and there's a lot of incentive for you to explore its surroundings, just to see how weird and twisted each location can get.

However, the second half of the game is where the problems lie. First they force this painfully stupid escort mission on you with one of the worst AI's that rivals even that of WoW Classic's escort quests. Then they force you into the same levels all over again with a few things switched around. Except this time, the ghosts becomes ten times more annoying and it makes you even less incentivized to explore. Plus, who's bright idea was it to include invincible ghosts anyways? They were creepy at first, but when the second half came about, they were more annoying than anything else.

It's decent overall and I'd say the atmosphere and the strong story really manage to save it from seeping into being a disappointing entry in the franchise.

Remember when games used to offer you a treasure trove of content without resorting to predatory consumerism or loot boxes or even DLC? Pepperidge farms remembers.

The most toxic community ever known to mankind.

The multiplayer is tons of fun with friends, but the storyline is a chore to get through. Also one of the aesthetically ugliest of the games due to how much greyness there is. Feels more like Call of Duty with aliens.

It's like Hitman, but in first person. Also you're a magician.

This is Rockstar's magnum opus. Puts many Western stories out there to shame. One of the rare occasions where I actually cared about the story in a video game.

Arthur is honestly one of the best video game protagonists to ever exist.

I gave up. What an incredibly dull game. Unnecessary vast open world, bland characters, a storyline that barely makes sense. Plus all the cut content.

And this was over a decade in development. And people say Cyberpunk was bad. At least CD Projekt Red are fixing that game.

Your right hand comes off?

The best game ever made... if you have mods that is.

Never before since the Arkham games have I seen another superhero get his own well deserved game that doesn't suck ass.

Glados needs to be protected, she ain't no villain.

It's only an enjoyable experience if you have friends.