I've played it on and off for many years.
I love the Warcraft setting and the stories behind everything. Not that great anymore nowadays but it definitely had its great times and deserves being mentioned as a good game.

I'm a simple man. I see Lego, I like. I see Harry Potter, I like.

Actually wasn't bad. Had some fun playing it with my siblings.

I'm a simple man. I see explosions, I like. I see weird dude probably in a mid-life crisis using messed up technology to destroy entire cities, I like.

I absolutely love this KH title. I've spent an eternity playing through the game with all 3 characters. The way you mastered all the spells and abilities was just so fun that some days I'd spend hours doing nothing but getting the next highest level spell to complete the game and get even more out of it.
Definitely one of my absolute favorite KH games.

Classic PS2 title. Always had fun running around completing areas and get all photos before moving on.
Same vibe as Jack and Dexter, Ratchet and Clank or Sly. One of the greatest areas for games.
They've had a unique feel to them and all the classic PS2 adventure games.

Twinsanity was the first Crash game I've played on the PS2 after I've already loved the original trilogy on the PS1 and I was not disappointed by this title.
It brought something fresh and kind of enjoyable to the game. As a kid some of the parts even were super hard for me so I felt challenged by the new generation of Crash games (little did I know..) so this game is getting carried mostly by nostalgia, but it gets the pass as I still like the concept of it.

For an additional snack of GoW this was an alright game to play on the PSP.
I don't know if the PS3 version was any different (one would only hope so) but as a PSP title it definitely was pretty solid.

It's alright. I expected a bit more excitement out of it but I can see how people are having fun with it.

Super cool FF title. Only got better with more playthrough once you knew more about the game and where to get the good stuff. Had a good time with it back then.

Out of all the old pixel FFs this was my favorite hands down. From the story, to the characters over to the job system everything slapped cheeks!

Great game for fans of the series and especially for those who had Pokemon Yellow back in the day and hated your rival for never letting you have Eevee from the start!
The way your Pokemon got XP was mainly through catching which was a different approach it makes sense, as this game was focused more on bringing the "Pokemon Go" hype into an actual console game - hence why the name "Let's Go".
It's a nice entry game into the Pokemon franchise, as it starts with primarily just the base of Kanto, limiting the number of Pokemon for beginners and also giving useful tutorials especially before being able to enter a gym, to make sure the player is decently prepared. For veterans this might seem silly, but a lot of players who only had played the mobile game prior would need a little helping hand to really get into the games.
Walking with your Pokemon was super enjoyable, as they actually had some decent scaling compared to their actual size (mostly), even though some disturbing things got revealed, such as Venusaur running like a frog.
Either way, I think this is a great game for newcommers to the franchise which every Pokemon fan should be able to appreciate.

Pokemon Ranger brought a nice new branch into the game series that actually had a cool idea behind it. The first game however wasn't executed too well, but it set the ground stone for a couple awesome games to follow this series.
I could imagine, that a Ranger game on the Nintendo Switch could be really nice, using the touch screen or the Joy-Cons respectively.

Great remake, brings back the whole back of nostalgia and makes such minimal improvements to the gameplay that it still feels natural to the original games, but also has a more modern feel to it.
Graphic is astonishing and beautiful and didn't just get some make-up put onto it.
Burning gras feels better than ever.