The atmosphere is incredible. Playing through the main campaign was an amazing experience.
I don't know how replayable it is, though. Because it is more linear than most strategy games, there is little incentive to go back and try different things.
Currently playing the Last Autumn DLC. This scenario is a cool spin on the main campaign. Very hard though. Enjoying it a lot.

SO hard! I've restarted it so many times... Still, building the thing feels good.
At the end, if you have the patience and make it it's very rewarding.
But, without spoiling it, in places the difficulty feels arbitrary and more annoying than annything.
In general: I liked it a bit less than the main scenario but still, very good.

I just don't have the patience for this kind of game. Shame because it looks amazing.
Can confirm, not enough patience.

Same exact game as 10 years ago. Got bored real quick.

The plattforming did not hook me. Shame because the setting looks cool.

This is probably my favorite game. The storytelling is amazing. The atmosphere is great. Soundtrack is so so good.
The weakest part is pobably the combat, but it's still fun.

You can believe the negativity around this one. I don't even know where to begin:
- The maps are visually super dark and monotonous
- The objective system is very bad and leads to boringness. Why not keep the victory points from DOW2?
- There is no cover system, which makes it much less tactical
- The elites feel out of place and make normal units look like a joke

Seems like a pretty average top-down survival game, on first impressions. I doubt that I'll have the motivation to return to this with many good alternatives that I already know I like.

Nice mix between 4X and RTS. Very polished.
I like the "4X in a 90 minutes match" aspect but I'd rather play Age of Empires 4.

I really like it. Very easy to learn and get into.
For me personally it doesn't have the depth to sink hundreds of hours into, though.
And technically it's no well optimized. Even high-end PCs struggle with large cities. I think it's using only one CPU core.

After having played Anno 1800, Tropico 5 seemed very mediocre to me. They are different games, but still, the difference in quality between the games is astounding.

In Tropico 5, I don't like how the quests reward you for basic buildings. It incentivizes you to not do anything until the right quest randomly pops up.

Also, the stats and graphs (super important part in an economic game, to know what is going on) leave a lot to be desired.

The music and setting is cool though.

Still, re-downloading Anno 1800...

It just didn't grab me. I would have liked a less "cartoony" setting than XCOM, but it's very similar.
In general, this games feels way too close to XCOM, for my taste.

The levels in the campaign are the perfect difficulty for my taste. I'm really enjoying it.
Don't go in expecting a polished game, though, it's very "raw".

I thoght that I wanted this. I got through ME1 and now I'm at the beginnig of two, not wanting to put up with the very dated gameplay anymore.
Shame, because I love the setting and story.

Such a good game, so polished, so good on so many levels.