Its not a bad game, but for me, I prefer the Bioshock games, from where Prey draws a lot of inspiration.
The mimics being able to be every object is more annoying to me, than anything else. I don't enjoy this type of jump-scares.
If you haven't played Bioshock Infinite and you are deciding if you want to get Prey, I would strongly recommend you check out Bioshock Infinite.

Its okay. I find the statistics about the finances very confusing and badly laid out. Is it profitablity per month, per year? How is the reward for transporting goods calculated? Does it even make sense to build a shorter route?
This is not explained anywhere and makes it feel intransparent and confusing.
It also feels somewhat artificial? The choices made here of what to abstract away and what not, don't feel right to me

All of that said... Once you get used to its weird intransparent logic it can be quite addicting.

There is a one second lag when giving a unit an order. Might sound silly but this is a complete dealbreaker.
An RTS has to feel responsive.

I don't usually like plattformers, but this one is excellent. So much fun!

Really solid visually and from a sound and UI design point of view.
It uses AOE2 as a basis and adds/changes some things: more unique civs, stealth forests, archers on walls and matches that get to the interesting parts quicker.
I'm really enjoying playing it and would recommend it (even if you haven't played an RTS before, the in-game tutorials and resources are really good).

While the game itself is awesome, this digital implementation is very barebones. It works but is very minimal.

It's definetly an innovative idea.
However I don't think the game expains it's mechanisms (like shares) too well.
The end of games also feels anticlimactic and abrupt to me.
That said, I have only played skirmish and can't judge the campaign.


Normally I don’t care about the gameplay in these walking simulator games, but the story is pretty boring? So the gameplay being original but boring was a problem for me. The game just didn‘t do anything for me. Visually it‘s nice though and seems to be made with love.

Its not bad but this mix of biking and roguelike didnt work or make sense for me

I lost patience after 2 hours. The game requires you to mine stuff just to exist. Feels tedious. Not for me.

Fetch quest the game. The inventory menu has issues on Steam Deck. Can't recommend it.

So far so good. Quite simple roguelite, as far as I can tell. Would like to try it coop though.

Not for me. Don't think I like these old-school shooters.

I have just started but I can already see why the hype.