This game is so far up its own ass it cant even see daylight

The story is good and the open world is amazingly detailed.

However, after playing BOTW the open world feels like window dressing. It's just where you go from one mission to the next. It's what happens when you put a linear story in an open world game.

I also have issues with the game looking very blurry on PS5 (and I imagine all the other consoles, too).

Seems very well made! Not sure I'll find the patietience in me to learn it, though.

Certainly unique, original and made with love.
However, I feel like the story stays too safe.

Also, the game would have benefited from being shorter, imo. The first part of the third act is too long.
The whole thing left me somewhat unsatisfied.

Didn't click for me. I prefer AOE 2 or AOE 4 or BAR.

Tried it on PS Plus.
The dialogue is cringy, the animations in combat feel off, the story boring. Idk, did not grab my attention at all.

The AI feels dumb AF. With me playing only skirmish, this is a dealbreaker.

Nicely optimized for the new Macs.

So satisfying to collect all the treasures!
Incredibly cute game. And it looks amazing, despite running on what can be considered a toaster with joysticks these days.

I have this weird habit of every couple of years playing one season in manager mode of my fave club and then getting bored and forgetting about the game for 3 years.

I feel like I'm doing something very wrong here? Even on medium it seems impossible?

Super creative, has aged great and feel good to control!

It‘s not bad but didn‘t really blow me away either. The mistery is super intriguing at the beginning but as it gets revealed i couldnt help but feel a little underwhelmed. It‘s well made, though.