The atmosphere is incredible. Playing through the main campaign was an amazing experience.
I don't know how replayable it is, though. Because it is more linear than most strategy games, there is little incentive to go back and try different things.
Currently playing the Last Autumn DLC. This scenario is a cool spin on the main campaign. Very hard though. Enjoying it a lot.

It's good, I just loose motivation very quickly in roguelikes.


This works great, even on my Switch Lite. Text can be small but still readable.
Other than that, it's a lot of fun. Also an excellent way to learn how to play.

I tried to play it twice but "died" both times very quickly. I don't know if I have the patience to try again.
It's clearly very well done, but I might just lack the patience for this type of game.

Fun! The last boss is very annoying. Shame it ends with that.

Addictive. I love how fast the enemy turns are (at least on a decent PC).
I don't even mind the cartoony look. So far, I'm really enjoying it.
The problem on Macs is that it doesn't know how to deal with retina displays. So you have to play at a non-native resolution, which sucks.
Surprisingly good on Switch!

I just dont think I have the patience for it. May try again at some point.

Why play this when games like Witcher or Skyrim exist?

Not for me. Got boring quick.

After having played 5 hours:

I really like the presentation, colors, sounds, creativity of the weapons/powers.

The story is a bit too nutty for my taste. The combat is kinda fun, though. I got lost a couple of times where I went down to an area where I wasn't supposed to yet. I felt like I had to look up a guide too often for my taste.

On a technical level, I don't like the forced TAA which makes everything appear blurry and smeary, even with motion blur and film grain off.

All in all a decent game, but I don't see the 10/10, game-of-the-year-hype justified.

This is an amazing game. The presentation and atmosphere are unique and super good.
For some reason, I keep bouncing off of it, though. I think the attack animations take a bit too long?

Also would recommend to play with a mouse and keyboard. It runs on the Switch but the controls are a bit clunky.

To me the best RTS. No other RTS simply feels as good as Starcraft 2.
Requires a lot (!) of patience, though, to play ladder. But few things are as rewarding as winning a match against an even opponent in SC2.

I like the real-time aspect and wish more games would experiment with that.
Idk if it's entirely for me, I kinda get bored of it after a while but you really notice the extreme Nintendo polish and attention to detail in this game.

This is how you do open world games. Interesting stuff everywhere you go.
Also enjoy the leveling system that rewards you for doing stuff. You use you bow, you get better at archery.
The bugs though....