There are very few customization options for your squad. And: UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENES!
Besides that it's a fun lightweight tactics game. If you find it too easy, try getting the gold medal in every level.

This is a 4X focused on combat. It's not for me. I don't like the presentation at all and what I enjoy most about 4X games usually is exploration and diplomacy. Neither of which are really a thing in Gladius.

This is really subjective but I find the setting and presentation very offputting.
It makes me wish I was playing Battle Brothers, imo the more exciting and tasteful squad-building tactics game.

Cute and very well made. It's very nice on the Switch.
While polished and well made, for me personally, it doesn't entertain me for long.

Didn't flash me after playing it for an hour but I might give it another shot at another point.

Not for me. I don't enjoy TW battles and this one is supposed to have good battles but boring campaign.

The definition of decent. Fun for a while but not much there once you figure it out. I like the soundtrack.
Would rather play Anno 1800 most days, tho.

Excellent game about managing supply lines. I love that it starts small and then gets more complex.
The visuals, the soundtrack... everything is on such a high level.
If you feel like it's too much to juggle at once, I recommend changing the game speed to half speed. It can be a lot, the quests, the economy, multiple islands, etc.

The puzzles are great.
Sometimes I felt lost however. Not solving a puzzle but wondering if I was even supposed to be at that place.

Designing a custom zoo is fun and the animals very well done and animated.
The management side of the game is not very interesting though. Once you figure out how to balance the staff, buildings, animals, it becomes boring.
I recommend it if you like to customize stuff in detail, not if you are looking for a challange in management.

Chill game of placing buildings and getting points. Very chill and minimal.

I like this way better then the Warhammer TWs for some reason.
The battle maps are way more colorful and interesting.
I didn't like playing Achilles as his mood swings felt like arbitrary punishments.

Playing as Odysseus and auto-resolving battles is fun!

The game has a screen flickering issue on my PC.

It just doesnt work with my taste.
It takes forever to load your next turn in mortal empires, which really bothers me. I don't like campaigns/factions that are very railroaded: You have to do X by Y or else. Feels like a chore.
There is also something about the UI or campaign map that just feels messy and visually too much to me.

I dont like the UI and Music. Would rather play Civ 6 or Stellaris.