Crazy how the most useable characters in the post game are not any of the Incredibles

Probably my favorite 2d Mario just because of the Elephant

Whiplash going from Spiderman 2 to this

This shit was phenomenal, I wanted more Miles stuff though

I am so mad I didn't play this the first time around going through the main game, this is incredibly well made DLC.

Paper Maro, not Thousand Year much better game

I know for a fact that the ex-boyfriends apartment smelled like balls before she moved in

Still Gen 9 with Gen 9 performance, saying that It clears Gen 8 DLC by miles

What was Al doing I solved this shit so easily. He walked around for years just facing the wall

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The wild turn to bully murder was nuts

Genda and Matsugane definetly had a lot of long nights together

Ichiban really tackles the question, what if there was a character like Kiryu, but they had schizophrenia