I know for a fact that the ex-boyfriends apartment smelled like balls before she moved in

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Are you telling me, the bubbles are a body fluid? Are we having piss fights?! Square Enix finally cooking something good

Criminal how this game does so much good, and then shits the bed with half the trophies being multiplayer.

I think this game is what cements Yakuza/Like a Dragon as a staple in gaming. Sega needs to pump money into this series please

What was Al doing I solved this shit so easily. He walked around for years just facing the wall

This account is not safe for Morgana Haters, I enjoy the Cat

Bloodborne but French Revolution but not French Revolution

When people said the Ending of this game hits, it hits. Did not believe on my life it would hit that well.

Crazy how the most useable characters in the post game are not any of the Incredibles

Still Gen 9 with Gen 9 performance, saying that It clears Gen 8 DLC by miles

This shit was phenomenal, I wanted more Miles stuff though

I understand how people feel grinding for stupid crap in stuff like Warframe, as I will drop 3 hours just to Synthesize my Monster into a Cooler Monster.

This may go down, but god I sobbed in the final cutscenes. What a beautiful look at his character in amazing detail.

100% in like 5 hours but still interesting. I think this could have been a full game. Big money maker if they ever come back and remaster these games