26 Reviews liked by SpicyBeach23

Very much a children's game to the point of not being enjoyable as an adult IMO. The story isn't very interesting, the puzzles are braindead easy, and worst of all everything is extremely sloooooow. On the plus side, the world feels really lived in and it's the best example of people and Pokemon living together in a game so far. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone above the age of 13 though

Nintendo should've threatened Danny Devito's life if that's what would take to get him to be Pikachu.

This game is great if you like Ace Attorney and are also missing half your frontal lobe

What if we put Pokemon into a Telltale game, but everyone was incompetent and Pikachu ingested a ton of sulfur hexafluoride?

Did everything but NG+. This game starts out really strong. But it’s about 10 hours longer than it needs to be. Really drags at the end and gets repetitive and grindy. The music was amazing though. Still looking forward to whatever drinkbox makes next.

I am not same man I was 12 yakuza games ago

Haven’t played yet but he erased his deadname? I’m so happy for his transition

I get to evade taxes AND be a gamer? This game was written for me

stunning visuals and audio with enough gameplay twists to keep things interesting. great way to spend an evening.

Escape Academy is a mostly great time full of decent puzzles and an interesting, quirky story to tie it all together. The levels are well planned out with a range of challenging puzzles to work your way through, an eclectic cast of characters and a fun amount of humour throughout the whole game.

The only place where this game fell short for me and my wife was how stuttery the camera is when you look around. At first, it didn't bother us too much but after having done a few levels in a row, we found ourselves having to stop because, either our eyes were going funny, or we had headaches.

In moderation, this game is excellent. We haven't yet played the DLC but will definitely get it and play through it in the future, probably when it's on sale.

Oh, what a cute game! But I'm sure it won't have a soundtrack that will fill me with nostalgia and hit me right in the feels of- This starts playing... fuck.

After the emotional rollercoaster that was Inmost and being busy with college stuff, I figured it would be the perfect time to play something short and relaxing, and Builder's Journey seemed like exactly that! Plus, I was curious about this one, since the LEGO videogame realm has been monopolized by Traveller's Tales style of gameplay, which I don’t necessarily have a problem with, those are pretty fun games, especially in co-op, but I did have the itch for some variations in my LEGO, and BOY is it different.

The way the game presents itself is, and pardon me the outrageous vocabulary I'm about to employ, FUCKING ADORABLE. All the levels feel like little dioramas that could be replicated to perfection in real life, everything is constructed from LEGO pieces, even the characters are made from blocks instead of being the usual figurines. It all just has this homemade feeling that it goes really well with the vibe it's trying to achieve, and even better with the music. I made a joke about it at the start but yeah, it's criminally good, and it all just comes together to form this calm sensation that, even tho Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker did a very similar thing with its levels, I like how it’s done here a bit more honestly, it just fits so nicely with the LEGO aesthetic, it's... perfection.

All of these levels are built (no pun intended this time, I swear) around a puzzle, and I adore how the game keeps building (I SWEAR) on top of itself, slowly introducing new elements and ideas that just feel right at home with the world of LEGO, it never gets difficult or too complex, but I like that, it keeps thing simple and it’s just sweet to find the solutions to the problems the game poses, and they are all extremely creative. However, while placing the pieces feels satisfying and it makes the movement all the more rewarding, I sometimes found it hard to determine where to put a piece, or what even is a piece you can use in the first place. The few times I got stuck were because I just didn't notice something I needed because it blended into the background and not having a free camera it's truly a shame, the main shot of the level is usually all that you need but it would be nice to have the option for the sake of being able to distinguish everything more easily, especially in levels with less light or where more stuff is going off. I also didn't really like the last sections and types of puzzle the game throws at you, which it's a shame because as I said, all the new ideas are usually extremely innovative and fun, but even tho the final sections consist in you basically building and creating new pieces at yours heart content... I don't know, it felt too unclear and even a bit unsatisfying, and it just seemed like I was doing random stuff and I didn't feel smart or like I overcome a challenge when I beat one of those levels. Thankfully they are far from being the bulk of the game, but it's kinda sad that one of the last notes the game leaves on is not a good one...

But even more than that, what makes me even sadder is that the game didn’t quite go all the way in with its narrative. LEGO games have always been characterized by their irreverent humor, and that’s were Builder’s Journey differs the most when compared to its family. At first it feels like an extremely sweet and sincere story about a parent and their kid, travelling and exploring together, all without words yet so much is told, and I would lie if I said it kinda made me feel a bit emotional at the beginning, it all just was so happy and the music elevated it even more. And when you thought the game was going to take and even more interesting route with this concept, it sadly doesn’t deliver. I never expected it a profound story or anything like that, and the game never really changes in tone, but its sad to see that it sacrifices the messages and narrative it could have gone through in favor of a more average adventure that doesn’t even give full context to what was happening. I sometimes thought some things were product by the kid’s imagination, but … nope, it’s all real and while it doesn’t clash with the rest of the game, it just feels like excuses to have MORE puzzles in an already pretty short experience. I would have honestly preferred a story with less steaks in favor on something more personal like the beginning promised, but, oh well, the ending its pretty sweet.

That’s how I can sum up this game: sweet. A sweet little journey that could have been a little bit more if it tried, but it’s just adorable and really charming nonetheless. I really recommend it, mainly because of how different and creative it is, the only bad thing is that it made me want to spend money on LEGO, and GOD they are expensive holy shi-

they better go back for that fucking robot

Very fun, nostalgic and replayable star wars game. I have completed this game to 100% two times so far and still eager to play the game another time

So after abandoning it a while ago I finally came around to finishing RE4. And I know a lot of people love this one, But i'd be lying if I said i enjoyed my time with it. The first chapter or so was actually quite fun but the charm quickly wore off and I was left with a tedious annoying and downright exhausting 20 hours of playtime. The big issue is for one, the controls. They suck. This works for the first three games as it helps make things more tense. But Re4 isnt a slow paced horror game, its an action game. And Leon's slower than my dead grandma's reaction time combined with the large amount of damage each attack does made most of the game pretty frustrating to get through. By the end I was pretty checked out and just wanting to get it over with. The story is whatever (not that it matters much, its Resident Evil) but the conclusion is very weak and underwhelming, so to get through the torture that is the main game and finish with a lackluster boss fight has left this game with a sour taste in my mouth, I can confidently say its my least favorite of the main series. I cant deny the importance and impact of this game on the industry, and there were moments where I almost liked it, but overall I do not think this game has aged very well at all. Also, what sadistic asshole decided to make Ashley take friendly fire?

Trophy Completion - 52%
Time Played - 19 hours 48 minutes
Nancymeter - 55/100
Game Completion #26 of 2022
March Completion #5

While the animation and graphics are exceptional and the gameplay is fun, the story is forgettable and it’s over too quickly.