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Time Played

9h 35m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 28, 2024

First played

December 15, 2023

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This is a really good fangame, probably the best one out there for Undertale. That being said, I don't think it quite matches up to the original Undertale. And thats fine! Undertale was a work of art and masterpiece and its really hard to make something like that again. The Undertale Yellow team did such a great job with the music, design, and gameplay of Undertale yellow, the fact we were able to get basically a whole new game with multiple endings is insane. I have been following this game from the start and im so happy it released and that I got to play it.

That being said, there are so many problems with it. I think the first is the plot. The plot starts off with you trying to get out of the underground, but eventually just becomes all about Ceroba. The Ceroba section itself feels like it should have been the midpoint to the game and not the finally, but that takes center stage and Clover starts to feel less like the main character instead of Ceroba. Next point are the lack of characters or at least the lack of in depth ones. The Undertale Yellow team did such a great job by making unique monsters, but for some reason only around 4 - 5 of them are established. Even then, I didn't really care for any of them except for maybe Starlo. With the huge cast of monsters that original Undertale had, I expected Undertale Yellow to give us something similar, but I just don't care about the monsters in Yellow, especially not Martlet or Ceroba. Finally one of the greatest failures of this game are the enemy combat design. In Undertale, when enemies were hard, it felt fair, because at least it would give some semblance of a hint on how to avoid the attack or counter it or something. In Undertale Yellow, the team decided that throwing random bullshit on the screen and making the fight unfair = difficulty, when in reality its just cheap. The most egregious of this is the Ceroba fight on the pacifist run. The first 2 stages are fine, and the 3rd one was a bit of a bog to get through, but the 4th one was almost downright impossible. They just throw so many things on your screen that you can't skill your way out of it. There are many more example than just Ceroba, but I'd say she is the biggest offender.

Other than that, I decently liked this game, even if it was a bit slow at the start, and a bit meh in the end. The enemies are amazingly designed, and some of the combat stuff even while sometimes unfair was very well designed. Every area in the game was also immaculate, and this game did not feel like a fangame. I really like Clover, and prefer him to Frisk or Kris. He embodies his soul, Justice. Even the ending, where he sacrifices his soul so the monsters can eventually go free (even if he knows that his soul wouldn't be enough) is amazing. The ending of Undertale Yellow is so good, and its all because of Clover. I even teared up a bit when he gave his gun to Starlo and his hat to Martlet. I wish they had focused the story on Clover more instead of Ceroba, I think this game would be at least a 4.5/5 if that was the case. The very end is amazing, as text showing "someone called your name" showed up and "you answered the call" right after, which is a nod to Frisk asking for the help of the souls, which I think is a top tier reference/ending. The ending is bittersweet, but I knew from the start that Clover had to die because of the events that transpire in Undertale. It's sad, but an amazing ending based on what they could do.