75 reviews liked by Splash_Damage

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they killed off the only good characters so whats the fucking point at least toko is kinda funny but whatever

this game ruined a generation of kids by covering up torture teenporn with cute quirky and kinnable characters

Truly and honestly was one of my favorite games of all time. As an adult, I think I prefer 64; only because it's a little more solid. TTYD's maps are a bit too linear which makes the backtracking in certain chapters all the more grating, but the charm really makes up for it. Honestly, if the pacing was as good as it was in 64, this game would be my favorite.

when i play this game my hands become high precision weapons of destruction so one time at the arcade my friend put his hand on one of the face buttons just as i was about to press it and my finger poked clean through his palm so now all my friends call him "hole hand" honestly its not that bad because now he can carry a roll of quarters in there so whenever we need to do laundry we just call up ol' hole hand and he spots us also they added hare hare yukai to this one so its good

the one that started it all. i have a distinct memory of the winter of my third or fourth grade, around the time a blizzard was going in new york. i remember being curled up in my bed and playing harvest moon sunshine islands and style savvy all night. when 5 am rolled around, i heard my dad get up to shovel the walk, as the snow was starting to cease. i knew i couldn't contribute anything, but i got up to go outside with him and help shovel (really, it was just pushing snow around).
"why were you up?" my dad asked.
"i was playing style savvy" i said. "the clothing game."
my dad was shoveling in front of me as i was kicking snow away with my boots. "all night?"
"yeah. all night"
"must be fun"
"yeah, it's so good. and it never ends either. you can keep having customers forever."
in the freezing cold weather i began to tell my dad all about my style savvy (and harvest moon) escapades that night. i don't think he cared. it doesn't really matter that he didn't care. but the point is i rambled on and on and by the time i was mainly done, most of the walk was shoveled.
i went back upstairs and played a little more and then fell asleep, and then woke up around noon. instead of notifying my family i decided to play more style savvy while in bed and everyone left me alone thinking i was catching up on my sleep until dinner time that day.

style savvy, the original, will always make me think of that winter feeling, even though i played it literally everywhere. in school. in the car. at a funeral once i think. it has a cozy vibe to me that most ds games cannot match.
is it the nostalgia? maybe. the game isn't perfect. it looks like nintendo 64 and the story is pretty barebones, also i swear that last fashion show is rigged. but still. i love it. i love you style savvy. i wish i coulda dated dominic


william shakespeare has nothing on how drama filled this game was. take notes bill my man

malos would have solved this xbc3 shit in 5 seconds through the power of gay sex if he were there. or made it worse