111 Reviews liked by Splodey

Daxter is an early PSP tech demo disguised as a mediocre platformer.

I first played this game in 2006 and dropped it shortly after. It wasn't until recently that I made the commitment to finish this game, because for some reason it always bothered me that I had left it unfinished.

Everything in this game feels like it takes too long. This includes traversing large empty levels and various mini-games that you have to complete in order to progress.

Platforming sections are no fun either, due to clunky and unpredictable controls. Combat wears thin early on, as you'll be fighting the same looking bugs over and over again. Once you get the flamethrower attachment, you'll be using it for the rest of the game.

I think they've pushed the PSP a little too hard, as it struggles to maintain a consistent framerate at its default clocks. Be sure to overclock your PSP to 333 Mhz for a more consistent experience.

Cute little game where you control a clumsy robot and build a vine infrastructure to try to reach the top. Can be easily beaten in less than three hours. A good palate cleanser.

Play it for one hour: its all fine
Play it through whole story: pain in the ass. this game is way too long, and no fast travel makes it even worse.

this game is terrible. they sold this on the wii u eshop and as a kid i thought that was it but you can tell it was made for 3ds and vita. the game just isn't fun though as the controls are really stiff, the map is shitty and confusing and there is way too much backtracking to pad the game out. you have to go through every area multiple times. don't play this unless you are really curious. its not worth it

this game is very much an expansion to city. it doesn't really bring anything new to the table and the open world is very similar. using one of the greatest games i have ever played as a base isn't necessarily a bad thing though and in my opinion this game rules. some really fun set pieces such as the hotel and the boss fights oh boy the boss fights. deathstroke firefly and bane are so good in this game and playing through those bosses as a kid was so cool. a great game that gets way too much hate nowadays

While this sequel brings some welcome gameplay improvements, I liked the original better. I didn't like that the "neutral" ending from the first game is canon, meaning that the choices players made in the original don't really matter.

The combat and gunplay is slightly more satisfying than in the original, but the enemy count has been increased, often resulting in frustrating combat encounters. I didn't like that some enemies could only be killed in insanity mode. They've also made some puzzling decisions, such as reducing the weapon limit and removing the healing inventory. The game also feels more linear than the first.

Even though it's a sequel that didn't need to be made, it's still decent and can be finished relatively quickly. Just make sure you play it on the easy difficulty, otherwise you'll have a very frustrating time with it.

A prison is an interesting setting for an action-horror game, one that you don't see very often. I like how most of the enemies you encounter are meant to be manifestations of various crimes and vices. The game maintains a creepy atmosphere throughout, but I wouldn't call it scary. It's an action game throughout, and you have more than enough weapons to handle anything the game throws at you.

There's also a morality system at play that affects the ending you get. I found that it's much better to be moral (good) during your first playthrough, as the NPCs you save can come in handy.

You can also switch between first and third person at will and play the entire game in either perspective, which is a nice touch.

What I didn't like were the often lengthy enemy encounters. It doesn't help that most enemies, even the weak-looking ones, are bullet sponges. I'd strongly recommend playing on easy difficulty to make the combat more satisfying.

And as always, be sure to check out the PCGamingWiki for troubleshooting common problems, as this game is prone to crashing on the PC.

I think the marketing campaign for this game had a detrimental effect on how B4B was perceived by the community. Instead of going for that L4D spiritual successor angle, they should have just done their own thing.

Still, I enjoyed playing it more than L4D2. Especially the combat felt much more satisfying. There's an elaborate "build your own class" system using card decks, although I felt a lot of cards were a bit redundant. The game ran really well on the PC, which is a big plus.

The only major drawback to this game are the characters, which are not nearly as appealing as the ones in the L4D games. Also, some chapters reuse environments, which can get boring after repeated playthroughs.

I'd definitely recommend this to anyone who enjoys co-op horde shooters. Definitely pick up the deluxe edition on sale as it includes two new chapters.

Personally I think this game is better than Left 4 Dead, and absolutely succeeded in creating a modern reimagining of that classic formula. I understand people being disappointed that there was no campaign versus mode, but as someone who is all about the co-op, this game really delivers. The shooting feels satisfying, and the various mutations and difficulty modes give fantastic replay value that helps make each playthrough feel very distinct. Also, I love how you tilt your gun when crouched, that's the true innovation. Impractical, maybe, but it sure is cool.

One of my favorite games as a kid. I have only played this skiing game so my review may be skewed but I loved this game. Music changed my entire music taste, I played probably 100 hours. Really fun story mode and side modes. Cool characters. Gameplay was awesome.

This is truly one of the most unimaginative military shooters I've played in a long time. Even Delta Force Xtreme feels more original than this, and that's saying something. I don't know how you can make a game about aliens and conspiracy theories so boring.

At least the shooting is serviceable, the driving feels okay, and the assault rifle is fun to use. The environments are very forgettable, they all look the same. The chapter set in the suburbs was a standout, but that's not saying much.

If you're going to play this game on the PC, be sure to check out the PCGamingWiki on how to turn off the post-processing effects. Not only does it make the game look better, but it also fixes a lot of graphical artifacts.

The best thing about this game is that it's free. Unlockable Illuminati video log entries is a close second.

It's a very standard mid-2000s FPS. That alone should tell you everything you need to know. The shooting feels okay, and the story, which should have been the best part, ends up being forgettable. Some celebrities have lent their voices to some of the characters, but that hardly makes the experience better.

At least you can beat it quickly, but there are better options out there.

A little lower than average. Bland story and characters and gameplay that's a bit frustrating. It was boring, nothing interesting or intense every really happened. The puzzles were also way too hard but that's my stupidity's fault, not the game's.

The mechanics are quite basic but serviceable. They keep you engaged even though, by today's standards, some things feel stiff. The story is better than average and the graphics hold up.
Blowing up covers with grenades or your RPG-Squad never gets old, especially if you get the brutal slow-mo-animation. The hit-scanning, however, is frustrating and the game can't hide the fact that it does the same thing over and over for around five hours.

If you're looking for a Max Payne level of quality here, you're going to be disappointed. That said, it's a fun arcade action game with bullet time mechanics and highly destructible environments that doesn't overstay its welcome.

The destructible environments, environmental interaction, and power-ups are the biggest differentiators from other Max Payne-inspired titles. Destructible environments in particular deserve some special praise here, as you can really trash most of the levels in the game.

Environmental interaction is another mechanic that the game relies heavily on, but I didn't find it to be that exciting. Performing various moves always felt clunky, and it relied on you finding a trigger point that would lock your character in place (like running along the handrails). Also, for some reason you cannot jump manually, which was a puzzling omission.

Still, there's fun to be had here, but don't expect much. The story can be completely ignored. I found that it takes itself too seriously, and the voice acting is pretty bad, too.

As always, if you're playing on a PC, check out the PCGamingWiki for instructions on how to run the game at higher resolutions.