Quite possibly the best DLC of all time for any title.

Love-hate relationship (mostly hate) with this game. Playing it since it’s release in high school, total P2W.

One of the better party games with friends out there, always a good time with a very vibey OST.

(Sometimes) a good time when friends beg me to play.

A good sendoff for Ryza, but the weakest of the trilogy.

It took me a WHILE to get into this game. Trying to jump into it after Dark Souls (Remastered) made me really notice how different it is. After taking a break and focusing on other games, I gave it another chance and played through it and its DLC and found it to be okay, but not deserving of the immense hate it gets. The artificial difficulty and forgettable boss fights are what make it the black sheep among its legendary siblings.

Couldn’t really get into it, but I like the style and OST. Maybe I’ll give it a full playthrough eventually.

A weak conclusion to Kiryu’s saga. I get the engine change, but it’s a shame it didn’t have more time to cook and be more optimized because the combat feels lacking. Story starts up interesting but lost my full interest towards the end.

A great remake of the PS2 cult classic. The Majima everywhere system is cool, but can get annoying. Story isn’t the best, that Jingu fight though…

Lame that story is locked behind DLC, a movie, books, etc. Wish Versus XIII actually happened.

If you’re a fan of Terminator this a must play. While the game itself is nothing remarkable in terms of graphics or gameplay elements, the fan service for those that love the franchise will thoroughly enjoy the story.