One day I shat (in game) in a car windshield and thought it was so funny I stopped playing in order to show it to my father when he arrived from work. I fell asleep before that happened but my mother showed him for me. :,)

You can feel the love they poured into this while you are playing it, and that for me goes a long long way. A game with a lot to say, and creative as they come in order to do so.

Man this game! Loved it as a kid, scared the hell out of me and my friends. I remember I used to play it in black and white for the most part, loved it nonetheless. Great memories.

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What they managed to do with this world and this characters is phenomenal. The first playthrough is an unforgettable one. The voice acting is so so good, a crucial part of this, listening Klaasje talk and already falling for her was tremendous, same happened to me with the 'ex wife'.
Also any game that has one option that is "roll up your sleeves and start building communism" or smth like that, deserves my 5 stars.

My gf never finished it as a child and that caused severe trauma. We finished it this year, and she proceeded to speedrun it, and get the WR. So proud :,)
Also my first submited speedrun.

Second time playing the game, and decided to go all in this time. After doing the first 4 pantheons, steelsoul mode was very accessible, and so was the speedrun. Absolute Radiance got me sweating like no game did for a while, while not being as hard, the whole pantheon still weights heavy at that moment. Got it in a surprising amount of few tries, thanks to the hall of gods practice I did. Felt really good winning.

The game beauty and atmosphere conquered once again. Can't wait for Silksong.


Had an absolute blast playing it. Can't wait to what speedruns and no hit runs look like.

Mucho mas oscuro de lo que esperaba. Buen adventure game aunque bastante facil.

The game feels like a warm blanket and some hot coffee. Beautiful experience.

This was such bullshit, the momentum bar and not missing goal was something else. Still fun tho.

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The first part is probably the best, but still, the game not ending was such a pleasant surprise .

Masterpiece in my books.

There was this level in a car I believe, that I always always lost, till I realised my Cross button was broken and it never fully pressed.

Nostalgia done right. Might be easier than previous entries but emotionally it did touch my buttons and I believe it's a game I will never forget. <3

I have a daily thought that this might just be the best game I ever played, and also the most important one.

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Very very fun movement, sadly I was held back by Yuzu Fps. But when it run at 60 my god what a pleasure. Still, bosses were trash, and the levels were fun but they lacked something else to make them iconic.

Mushroom Kingdom at the end was such a nice surprise.
Might go for all the power moons if I dont get tired of fps drops