Really cool VR horror game. It takes place in a hotel that has Spencer Mansion vibes which is a huge plus. They do a wonderful job of building suspense by never really having the zombies completely die.

Looks and plays great on PSVR2, using tools and weapons felt good.

First playthrough since launch and really enjoyed it. The visuals, music, and presentation are top notch especially with the 3D.

Dungeons seem quicker than LTTP, most likely due to the portable nature of the system it's on, but could be my memory. I love the wall merge ability and what it adds to the game in terms of puzzle design.

Giving us the ability to hit dungeons in any order is nice, but I still can't say I LOVE having the entire toolkit available at the onset of the game. It bothered me more on the first playthrough, but still miss getting a dope item in big chests.

The game is overall pretty easy, but it makes for a brisk and enjoyable romp through both Hyrule and Lorule.

Weird game having played half before the baby came, took month and a half then came back to finish. Still really enjoyed the game, lots of cool bosses and areas to explore.

Didn't feel as interconnected as DS1 especially giving you fast travel right off the bat. The health lose with each death is a bit annoying, but didn't ruin it for me.

Looking forward to continuing my From Soft/Souls journey with DS3.

A well done remake that looked and played great. I enjoy the puzzles and Mario's toolkit of moves are actually more than you'd expect.

Most of the base game isn't too challenging, a few more difficult ones thrown in the mix, but apparently gets more challenging post game (I didn't do any of that). I enjoyed playing this in the morning with a cup of coffee.

Fun poker game with an addicting play loop. Really enjoyed finding and utilizing different Joker cards. Love that you can sell Joker cards and get different ones, allowing you to pivot tactics mid run need be.

Definitely increase the dealing speed, it made the difference for me!

Perfection. Took an already all-time great game and managed to modernize the visuals and audio while keeping the charm from the original.

It's a more brisk adventure with faster ins/outs of battle. Plus some new things such as the AoE damage on perfect hits and triple attacks make it about a 10 hour playthrough.

Some fun post game stuff there for people looking for a little more. Whether you've played the original or are playing it fresh, there's a lot to love in the timeless classic!

It's hard to put into words just how incredible Rebirth is. I completed all side quests and zone objectives, and while I didn't 100% everything the game has to offer this is far more than I usually do with most games.

The original is one of my favorite games of all time and Square Enix managed to expand the world and characters enriching the entire experience. I spent nearly 90 hours and would happily play another 90.

The combat is super fun and lets you really dig into the systems as you push on. Exploration was incredible, seeing areas that were only a screen or two with a few NPCs, now bustling with people making them feel alive like never before. The writing, storytelling, visuals are all top tier and set such an incredibly high bar moving forward. It really is hard to fathom how they pulled this all off.

Some minigames weren't the best (keeping the tradition alive from the OG), but these were almost entirely optional and if not there's an option to make them easier. However the minor complaints are a drop in the bucket compared to how amazing the entire experience was.

Now we start the countdown to part 3, the Reunion!

Amazing game. Love how each Wonder Seed creates a brand new experience within each level. Often they're whacky and change up the gameplay in fun and unexpected ways. New power ups are fun to use, but only a handful of them.

Will be continuing my quest to 100% as a side game, collecting the rest of the coins and flagpoles I missed along the way. Hoping for DLC or expansion.

I really disliked the first game due to the insane grind, so I was hesitant on this one. However after David's praising, I knew I had to check it out.

Glad I did, it's a fantastic game. Each character's story was interesting and there were also cross path stories involving four sets of two. This addressed another another weak spot from the first game by making the characters actually interact.

Exploration was a lot of fun as the game opens up to you almost immediately. Exploring each area was always a treat with the breathtaking HD2D visuals and music to match. I always enjoyed searching areas to the fullest to find secret chests, shrines, and jobs along the way.

The battle system is almost perfection with a number of systems feeding into each other. Jobs allow you to unlock new powers and really beef up characters, tailoring them to your likings. The game tends to spike boss difficulty compared to the rest of the battles, so I did have to grind a little at times. But nothing close to the first games level of grind.

Couldn't recommend this game enough!

Don't normally jump back into DLC, but saw that it was a good value for $10. I'd agree with that assessment as the campaign took just over 5 hours to finish.

Playing as Ada is made fun with her use of the grapple. In combat lets you fly toward the enemy to unleash a melee attack or can pull enemy shields away making them vulnerable.

I loved revisiting each area and seeing Leon's story play out from a different angle. Some other cool additions like case charms which can be purchased and equipped to give % bonuses for crafting.

Easy recommendation to anyone who enjoys RE, especially at the price tag!

Amazingly addictive rogue like. Played a ton of this over the course of about two weeks, one really hard weekend.

Varied runs kept me coming back especially finding the different combos of weapons to make super weapons.

Second time around with DS1 after a pretty limited Switch run at launch and what an absolute treat.

The loop of methodically exploring a new area the first time around to memorizing enemy placement and eventually unlocking a shortcut is never boring.

The different areas of the game are beautiful and full of little secrets along the way. I enjoyed seeing different characters out in the world and slowly learning more about the lore.

It is certainly a difficult game with a few bosses that spiked above the rest. However aside from a few frustrating moments, I loved the game from front to back.

Clocked in at 39 hours.