Really challenging [among the likes of Devil May Cry] but always rewarding. A super campy and fun take on the Divine Comedy!
☆Dont fuck with a witch!☆


Super fun all the way up until the space stage. Loved the creature creator despite how silly it is and always had a blast running around looking dumb.

The one time I will say that I hated a remake. Its based of Pokemon Diamond [one of the worst pokemon games] instead of Platinum which was essentially an updated version.

Charming game with decent graphics, the battles were dynamic and fun but the story was so lackluster and had little to no impact on anything in the game.

Really short story although to be expected with Splatoon, loved multiplayer and the octoexpansion.

Plays smoothly, had an amazing time going through both darkworlds and learning all there is to know about the characters! Another gem made by Tobyfox

Fun little game with a cute story that forces you to strategize while not being too tedious about it.