Fun but frustrating with a very interesting story to tell.

Amazing remaster of a game I've never played! I love the following system and had so much fun playing through and experiencing gen 2.

Limited creator but an overall fun game that has a nice short and contained story.

Silly dog game that you can jump in and out of at any time

Fun strategy game thats forgiving but still tough! I like the charcter design but wish everyone would stop kissing the Divine Dragons ass.

Lacks polish on the switch version but is otherwise a fun time and any excuse to interact with cute dinosaurs!

An even sillier sequel to West of Loathing that holds the same charm but changed the genre!

Silly stick figure game with an even goofier story that I love to bits! :)

Lovely game and an amazing expansion on the existing BOTW world that we got so used to!

Fun and janky game that does a fun twist on the standard Zelda format.

ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! The water color graphics are pulled off so well everything in this game looks like a picture book! The story is wonderfully sad as all Bayonetta games.

Fun and dark just as the others, however I wonder why they switched to a new protagonist besides Clem?

A dark story with twists and turns and amazing reprocussions for all your decisions.

Astounding gameplay improvements with it being both smooth and innovative! The graphics suffered especially compared to Bayo 2 but other than that it was a lovely time.

Loved the whole story and as always the campyness especially with the demons. A nice twist with new weapons and a smoother playstyle then the prequel.